Hello! Missed me?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Argonath1337, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. Argonath1337

    Argonath1337 New Member

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    7:31 PM

    I'm sure few will remember me, but I used to be a co-admin for MyM years ago, and all of a sudden MyM popped back into my mind and I had the feeling I should login and come say hello =D

    I just had to come and take a look who is still arround these days =)
    How've you all been??

    Edit: I seem to have lost my "Honorable Member" badge and got a "New Member" one =(


    @Slind @SirWill @LucidTheStick @cbrozak @chugga_fan
    cbrozak and p5k like this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I'm like 95% sure your username is different than it used to be if you were a co-admin, did you ever change your username? Then again you left probably years ago and I don't remember the names of people on horizons too well. How have you been even still?
    Argonath1337 likes this.
  3. Argonath1337

    Argonath1337 New Member

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    I'm very sure I didn't change my username, but then again I was co-admin in 2014-2015 so I'm not surprised people don't remember me =P I searched for some screenshots and stuff but sadly didn't find any, I did find a map with all my old stuff in, even my moderator and co-admin applications =P

    I'm fine but rather busy these days, much changed over the years, bought a house, have a kid now too, all that kind of stuff
  4. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    Welcome back!

    You might not remember me, but you were a moderator around the same time I was my first time, and I do distinctly remember someone by your name. The honorary member tags were removed a while ago. I used to have it as well, but it seems to have disappeared after I came back to MyM.
    Argonath1337 likes this.
  5. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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