New Skyfactory 4 Patron Server Launch

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Aidoneus, Aug 25, 2019.

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  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Server Address
    Twitch Launcher - MyM-Launcher

    Launch Times
    Patron Tier 3: Friday, 30th August at 8am CEST
    Patron Tier 2: Saturday, 31st August at 8am CEST
    Patron Tier 1: Sunday, 1st September at 8am CEST

    Time Converter
    Pack Information Back again for more modded skyblock fun! SkyFactory 4 offers a brand-new experience never before seen in the series. Full automation, tech, magic, and bacon resources! This iteration offers over 30+ world types so you can play the pack like never before! While some world types are based on the classic tree on dirt others are designed with unique recipes and advancements.

    What makes this version different from every other SkyFactory before it? We've completely redesigned the resource gathering. Sieving for resources are a thing of the past. For a more immersive experience, Sky Orchards has been introduced. Resource Trees provides a built-in progression system and lets the player choose the resources they want to produce rather than a randomized system. We've removed the achievement book and replaced it with the advancement system. Instead of requiring players to manually check out what they've accomplished, the game will keep track for you. This system isn't designed to create a required questing system, but rather an optional set of goals for players looking for ideas on what to do next.

    SkyFactory 4 introduces the prestige system! This is a completely optional game mode allowing you to unlock mods, items, and mechanics through an open progression system. Prestige points and unlocks are global and can be brought with you to other worlds! Prestige points can be gained by finishing advancements or by using the Parabox, a time traveling box that generates points. To get started, enable prestige mode on the world creation screen.

    Patron Server Information This is a Patron ONLY server. This means that if you have a current patron subscription, you are able to join this server. You can also get access to this server if a tier 2 or tier 3 patron uses their friendpass on you. Once your patron runs out, you can no longer join the server. Patron Tier 3 and Tier 2 gets early access. See Launch Times.

    Want to get Patron? Visit our Shop

    The Prestige System Yes! I am glad to say we are enabling the prestige system! There is of course changes we have made to make this server friendly. With the help of our @Matryoshika, he has helped us create a mod called Cachet to gain prestige without needing to use the Parabox. For more information on how the mod works, you can click here.

    The Parabox is still craftable, but you can't use it and place it in the world.

    Warnings There are a lot of moving parts in this pack. With experimental mods to offset the loss of the the parabox. Please be aware of this! As with most of our 1.12.2 modpacks, this is a experimental server.
    Fireforce, SirWill, Punane and 6 others like this.
  2. Braun_

    Braun_ Patron Tier 1

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    8:30 PM
    I award you 2 ME GUSTA's
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  3. Somnioblivio

    Somnioblivio Mad-Titan Thanos

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  4. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    so many patron only servers :p
  5. Somnioblivio

    Somnioblivio Mad-Titan Thanos

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    Its almost like the best way to keep a service going, is to cater to those that are supporting it monetarily, those people in other businesses are referred to as patrons of the establishment, with the non-paying members being known as something like a vagrants or freeloaders... or you know, beggars, if you like... :p
  6. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    After making po3 public, this will be the first patron server in quite a while.
    Somnioblivio likes this.
  7. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    This proves my theory that the staff favor the patrons over us non patrons (relax guys just a joke). Though to make it fair I feel like the non patrons should have there own private server and I know just the pack REGROWTH
    Willfon likes this.
  8. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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  9. TehPlayer44

    TehPlayer44 Well-Known Member

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    Neat I suppose
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Are there different island options?
  11. RuhRoo

    RuhRoo Well-Known Member

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    Thank you to all those involved enabling prestige without allowing slow players like me to ride the coat tales of savvy players.
  12. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I know that the modpack description was just copied directly from the official modpack description, so i just wanted to clarify something, the description specifically says that the prestige system is "completely optional", is that actually going to be the case with this server or is the prestige system going to be enforced on all players even if they'd rather play without it and just have all the prestige-gated stuff unlocked automatically from the moment they start?

    Also regardless of whether it has to be unlocked first through the prestige system, will it be possible for a player to generate the ProjectE island option to (re)start on?

    I might be tempted to pay for a few months of patron if I'm not FORCED to use the prestige system, but I would definitely be interested if there will be the option to also start with the ProjectE island :D and I don't really see why that shouldn't be an option, my not using prestige and having 1 transmutation table to start with doesn't hurt anyone elses experience afterall!
    Sandstroem likes this.
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The server has prestige enabled so you need to use prestige. The project E island only exists when combined with prestige as it is the final reward.
  14. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Right, I understand that, but that doesn't mean that MyM couldn't take measures to make it optional so that people who don't want to play with prestige can still play on the same server (thus expanding the potential number of people willing to pay for patron to be able to join it), assuming of course that a 2nd non-prestige SF4 server is out of the question..?

    For example you could add a simple one-time use alias command /LetMeBypassPrestige that internally runs the command /Prestige add @p <number of prestige points needed to unlock everything> then people who don't want to use prestige can unlock all the features that prestige disables so it would effectively be like playing without it, while people who do want the extra challenge of Prestige can simply choose not to run that command.

    Likewise the arbitrary restriction on the project E island requiring you to beat the pack once in prestige mode first could easily be ignored if doing so might encourage more people to donate to the network to be able to enjoy playing the pack the way they want to.
    Sandstroem likes this.
  15. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:30 PM
    We would disable project e entirely for non prestige. And some of the other mods.
  16. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Okay, disabling projectE I can sort of understand (though still seems kinda lame), but why would any other mods that would otherwise be available in singleplayer need to be disabled?
    Sandstroem likes this.
  17. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Because they aren't available without prestige
  18. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Such as? The fact you are giving really short responses with no actual examples isn't remotely helpful you know....

    I've played the pack a bit in SP (both with and without prestige) and the only mod that is disabled without prestige to my knowledge is ProjectE, everything else that is locked off in prestige mode like mystical agriculture, mystcraft, astral sorcery, jetpacks, tiers of mulch etc are all available with prestige disabled, so instead of just saying "some of the other mods" why don't you actually be specific so I know which ones you're talking about...
    Sandstroem likes this.
  19. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:30 PM
    There are a couple. I do not know them off of the top of my head. I can't give examples because I don't know everything. I think you think I know everything. Which I do not. So when I give these really short responses, it is because I do not want to give you false information. So I give you the little I remember.
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