
Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Mattq, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Mattq

    Mattq Member

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    8:23 AM
    Hey! I'm Matt.

    I just wanted to post this here so you guys know a little bit about me, because.. Why not!

    I've been playing Minecraft since about 2012 and I've loved it ever since. I've been playing attack of the b-team for about 3 or 4 of them years and I've been apart of many communities in them times. I used to play on this server a lot about a year or two ago and I've recently got back into playing modpacks. Additionally, I've spent a large majority of my time learning how to develop, manage and organise projects.

    If you guys have any questions with anything, feel free to hit me up :)
    OceanDemon likes this.
  2. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    Hey Matt,

    Welcome back to playing on MYM! When I first started playing Minecraft I started on Attack of the bteam. Such a fun pack to be introduced to playing in the wonderful world of modded minecraft. What is your favorite mod in that pack?

    I'm now playing on Crackpack3 server if you ever want to try out one of our many 1.12 servers, try joining there for a new challenge.

    Happy Crafting,
  3. Mattq

    Mattq Member

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    Tough question. I'd have to say either Galacticcraft or Tinkers construct. What about you?
  4. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    I really liked building, and witchery in bteam. I spent most of my time helping build a church back in the day with some retired staffers. I believe the pics can still be found far down in the gallery.

    Have you played any other packs?
  5. Mattq

    Mattq Member

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    oo fancy. Yeah, i've played a few. Such as: pixelmon, tekkit, hexxit and some others. What made you apply for staff for MYM?
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  6. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    A few of my favorite mods from 1.6.4 was ICBM, tinkers, your standard suite of tech mods, thaumcraff, and witchery. I thought that version was the best for modded Minecraft because especially because I started modded on the original crack pack back when it was on the at launcher and ftb monster on the old feed the beast launcher.
    LadyRen13 and Mattq like this.
  7. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    I seem to have let this get lost...:oops:. Hmmm let me see my first go round as staff, I just enjoyed the game. I was helpful in chat in trying to diffuse fights and in general try answer basic pack questions to help alleviate the pressure on mods. Sadly it seems that as soon as a mod jumps on a pack to play, they tend to get hounded with help requests and as a player I personally thought that was kinda needy when there was a help forum and a ticket system to get help from staff without things getting lost as they sometimes do and allowing them to do what made them wanna be a staffer in the first place.... they love to click blocks with the rest of us nerds!!! :playful: So anyway, a staffer took notice of my helpfulness and want to help maintain a family friendly server, and asked me to apply. I'm honestly not the most tech savvy and was very hesitant at first but I was not scared to learn all the things, and boy did I learn! :bookworm: I took a break from staff when I needed to focus on real life and when I was ready to return I did. My goal this time around as staff has always been to be kind, understanding and patient when teaching new staff, to always be a source of knowledge and easy to talk to about anything, mine-craft or personal alike and most importantly to click blocks with the awesome nerds that make up MYM staff now! :cat:
    Mattq and GreyWolf11 like this.

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