This Week on MYM #15

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ElectricLemonade, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    4:03 AM
    Hello Everyone!

    Did ya miss me?! Sorry I missed last week guys! The summer sniffles caught up to me. I was a miserable Lemonade. Did you guys have a good couple of weeks? I hope so! Looks like the staff team has been HARD at work these past 2 weeks so we have lots to cover! Let's get started...

    If you guys haven't seen yet, we have shutdown sever of our slower servers to make room for lots more content to come in the very near future PLUS reset Skyfactory 3! Here's the list
    • Skyfactory 3
      • Reset and downscale to one node
    • Direwolf20 1.7
      • Shutdown
    • Omnifactory
      • Shutdown
    • Project Ozone Lite
      • Shutdown
    • Age of Engineering
      • Shutdown
    We're launching a new server! Well...relaunching I should say. FTB Interactions has had a MAJOR overhaul recently that fixed many of the issues that players were having previously. So we decided to give it another shot as many of you requested it! Check out the thread here.

    SirWill just announced a brand new feature that many of you have asked for and we are very happy with the decision to go ahead with Base Restorations. Come on over to the thread here and check out the details!

    There's a few threads you guys should check out! Our staff team is constantly looking for suggestions and ideas to implement here on the network and we want to hear more from you guys. Check these out! And as always, my, and now @CanadaBunny's inbox is always open for suggestions.

    Title Suggestions
    Pixelmon Server
    B-Team Reset
    End Game Item Rule Update

    Now let's give it up for our Top Voters for the week! Great job guys! Your rewards are on the way.

    1st Place: @RedBlueSky
    2nd Place: @XYofLight
    3rd Place: @ElxMonte
    4th Place: @DarkKnight2107
    5th Place: @_WickedHunter_

    Admin Corner:

    Global Changelog:
    • Fixed kits being placed in the world when being used from the off hand
    • Kits will no longer be placed in the armor slots or off hand when received
    • Whitelisted Farmworld for making Grains of Infinity
    • Added block blacklist for compass navigation
    • Added actually additions laser relays to blacklist
    • Increased compass distance from 50 to 100
    • Added direct protection for McJtyLib tiles like the rftools screen
    • Added command alias /rtp to /rt. Both of these commands should be usable for random teleport now.
    • Updated RandomPatches & Nucleus
    • Added a command which allows us to reload the proxy config to remove and add new servers easier without having to restart the proxy
    • Disabled KeepXP plugin in favor of Nucleus's permission that does the same thing.
    • Patched new packet exploit
    • Fixed wrong size being shown in chat
    Forever Stranded:
    • Added Diamond Ingot to diamond recipe
    • Added a different way of getting diamond ingots as you can't get creeper oysters
    • Added better recipes for AE2 Presses
    • Fixed Emerald Tools
    • Added tooltip to the Tinker's Smeltery Controller to tell player's how to get it
    • Removed spawn eggs from harvestcraft market because they are broken in this version of the mod
    Galactic Science:
    • Reset of open computers to free up some memory
    • Restored older version of region protections because of a corrupted file
    • Increased restart timer to 6 hours
    MC Eternal:
    • Disabled NuclearCraft radiation as it causes performance issues
    • Adjusted mob spawning
    • Updated levelup2 mod on server side to hopefully fix a performance issue
    • Added permission for /foodlist size command
    • Restored quest data from a backup as the data looks like it corrupted.
    • Regenerated the Outer Lands dimension. NOTE: This may require you to create new Eldritch portals.
    • Updated server reset templates
    • Banned Rainmaker's from the Rainmaker mod
    • Fixed WorldResets
    • Force Reset the End for this week
    • Fix Black Quartz recipe
    • Disabled Farmworld and Deep Dark on Multiplex Portal as they do not exist in the pack.
    • Added The Beneath to the Multiplex portal. This required modifying code. Please let us know of any issues.
    • Added AE2 Iron and Gold Dust to OreDict. This fixes the Mekanism Enrichment Chamber recipes.
    • Further limited the spawning of Bats, Squid, Fish, and Birds.
    • Added Endgame List to forums
    • Sevtech Node 2 server shutdown 17/8/2020
    • Banned OreExcavation Integration's Excavate modifier for Tinker's tools due to a crash when striking mobs.
    • Fixed MPBasic saving duplicate entries to the player file resulting in huge files and server crashes
    • Unbanned Excavate Modifier for Tinker's Tools. Please let us know immediately of any issues.
    • Whitelisted twilight forest tower blocks
    • Whitelisted galacticraft planets spawner
    • Reset tile entity tracking in all dimensions except overworld
    • Reeenabled translocators with the next restart
    • Added experimental performance improvements to BetterQuesting
    • Adjusted lost cities portal unlock price to reflect the modpack
    Well there you have it folks! Looks like our Admin Team has been very hard at work. Let's all have a great week here on MYM!

  2. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:03 AM
    Electric Lemonade back it again with an amazing week
    LunaBlossoms and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  3. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    4:03 AM
    Big update :)
    InsaniumIV likes this.
  4. Wyvern__

    Wyvern__ Well-Known Member

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    9:03 AM
    Hope the bteam reset gets decided soon ^^
    InsaniumIV and LunaBlossoms like this.
  5. Shizucc

    Shizucc CEO of "Shizo+ Inc." Patron Tier 3

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    1:03 AM
    This week on MYM, every other week! Jokes aside, i feel this has been a good week for our network. Lots of stuff to be excited about!
    InsaniumIV and LunaBlossoms like this.
  6. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    4:03 AM
    not to being a bad person one way or another but something is off about how the votes are done as i know i have voted daily and yet i am not even on the top 5 of all voters but yet XYofLight is so something doesnt seem right
  7. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:03 AM
    what do u mean? u think theyre botting it?

    cuz when i i voted daily i managed to get #1
  8. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    no i am saying how it is figured out as if some vote for every site and they all go throw what makes a person number one in votes if a lot become in that spot of being the first place person
  9. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:03 AM
    they check the leaderboard of every site weekly and add up everyones votes than they make their own leaderboard

    ^ the top 5 votes btw
  10. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    4:03 AM
    i understand that but how can it say vote confiremed and yet not go throw
  11. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    8:03 AM
    oh thats the sites issue, sometimes theyre data base doesnt update
  12. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    9:03 AM
    Today i read, because agrarian skies 2 changelogs - i was there at Force end reset

    I'd Say Drake wasnt So happy bout that. ;)
    _Cilo_ and ElectricLemonade like this.
  13. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

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    1:03 AM
    There's definitely some sites that aren't on and probably still work. We always could open another voting site compiling thread again like there was a few years ago.
  14. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:03 AM
    The IP where the votes are being collected changed and was only updated on the sites listed on, all other sites will most likely not work.

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