Opinions Needed Event Ideas!!!

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by ElectricLemonade, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Hellooo everyone!

    It's that time of year where the Community Coordinator Team is beginning to plan events for the coming year! We've hosted several events this year but we're just not quite to level we'd like to be. So here's where you guys come in. Some of the events this year, you guys have enjoyed and others not so much. That's ok! We never know until we try right?! That being said, @CanadaBunny and I want to know what you guys want to see come to the MYM Community in 2021. No idea is a bad idea and if it gets enough support, we'll do our best to make it happen! Here's some things to keep in mind though...

    • This is a multiplayer environment. Will your idea work well for not only a large multiplayer event but also for server performance?
    • Does your idea require a separate event server or can/will it be hosted on one of our existing servers?
    • How long should the event last? Is it a quick weekend event? Will it go on for a week or more?
    • What type of prizes should offered? (Longer, more involved events usually entail better prizes, and visa versa for quicker events)
    • Is this a group event? Or for a single player?
    • What tips do you have for pulling off your idea successfully?

    This Community is awesome! We wouldn't all still be here if we didn't love it. So let's put our heads together and see what fun awaits us in 2021. I think we're all about done with 2020 anyway right?! Be as detailed as possible in your idea and let's work together to make things happen this coming year! Discuss!

  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    5:38 PM
    Member the survey we once had? Why dont make another one and see the general thoughts and then SHOW US survey results and after that talk bout those matters?

    Why i should suggest any form of event if >1% would be interested in such thing but how do I knew that? Maybe I could make up some thing from most popular options from survey?

    You wanna work with us but... that work is kinda one-sided. I dont like work blindly, I need data to work on(trust me im engineer) but i see NONE.

    I dont wanna be rude or something but why i get feeling "You(staff) are lazy to think so lets community do our work"? Why staff member dont share with us what event YOU(staff) would like to participate/make?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2020
    Kazeodori and InsaniumIV like this.
  3. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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  4. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    Hey Ereh. So one thing I will say is I can see if we can get the results of that forum posted. I will coordinated with el and we can take a look into it. Or even posting a new one. As for the lazy part. We are not lazy. We ask the community as we recently have had issues of events not being received well. We always are trying to improve on what we release and the ideas we have. Which is why it's better to include the community in decisions as well.

    It's a matter of would you rather us just decide and end up coming up with a small event idea or something or rather the community decide and get an event they want.
    Kazeodori and LunaBlossoms like this.
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I think the biggest problem is that events are really a vanilla Minecraft thing. Don't get me wrong, they can, and do, happen in a modded environment. Just that most modded players are not so keen on events if they are similar to the ones on vanilla servers. Also that PvP events just tend to not do well here.

    That being said....

    How about a plot server build off? Give everyone a 3x3 chunk area and creative mode and let them go wild?
    Kazeodori likes this.
  7. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I assume we are talking like a Vanilla Minecraft build server thing?
  8. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Nope. I would pick a large pack. So players can showcase how they utilize unusual mod interactions.
  9. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    infinity is a quite large pack....
  10. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Community is splitted in many servers MyM host, I realise its kinda hard to gather bunch of ppl from different servers into one to host event and last try to host event that not involve the Minecraft as a game (costume contest) was, not gonna lie, a complete failure.

    That why i asked for survey results(2nd time already, 1st time in march) to get wider perspective what much larger group of ppl wants. Also it would be great knowing what type of events are easier to made or not to affect network much thats why you should give us the list of possible events and/or ask what ther type we want.

    Look at discord - every single day you see the same faces around with rare visits of someone new but unfortunately most often this person just asks for help and disappears. I can tell what only small group of players thinks or wants(kinda).

    Also look at the past - we had MONTHS of nothing, no events, just new pack releases, I think some part of community lost the bond with MyM, remind last huge ban wave, part of the blame for this is, in my opinion, a lack of interest and commitment from staff. Community coordinator is fresh position in staff to fight the consequences of lack of community bonding. You cant expect to ppl to participate in events after its long absence, most of players just play the pack and dont even bother to look at forum/dicord besides asking for support but i told that already.

    As Booker mentioned in post above - its modded network, use mods, I told ya Bunny that one "automation" event was pretty good, make it as example and make another like that. Minecraft's best part is that we can make anything our creative minds thinks of, why dont use that creativity in events? 1 automation - but many ways to do same thing as many as players there is, one wants make if efficient, other good looking and 3rd one the laggiest/biggest.
  11. CanadaBunny

    CanadaBunny Well-Known Member

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    Hm. I like the idea of automation. What if we did stuff like timed trail stuff as well. We did try that before but it did flop due to a bit of improper setup and requirement of teams. One of a staff member and a user (that alone was not exactly a good choice...). Maybe we set it up with single users or teams if they want with seperate rules for each. First 3 teams to get to make such such block or such such amount of blocks wins?
  12. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    @Raptorpea Infinity would work but I was thinking maybe a 1.12 pack (say ATM?)

    @LordEreh That has always been an issue.

    @CanadaBunny Yep, That. You can actually run a couple of events at the same time;
    • Most interesting use of mods for automation (In the opinion of the grader.)
    • Best built base (One for server performance and one for looks and one for complete utilization of mods in the pack)
    • Best landscaping
    • Most mods use to automate an Ore->Ingot
    • Funniest way to die machine

    If you want to make it timed, set a timer with vanilla scoreboards that convert players to spectator mods after the time limit is up. This way they can view others projects after they are out of time. This would also let players start at different times and still have the same amount of time to complete the objective.
    InsaniumIV and CanadaBunny like this.
  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    A "proper" breakout event, you know, with an actual way to measure playtime (which shouldnt be that hard) and figure out the winner. But I have faith that the current Community Coordinators are more competent than the people that ran Breakout. (Which sadly isnt that hard to achieve)

    Bringing back wrenched or screwed or whatever it was called here might also be a fun idea, you could even stream the whole thing in Discord (or on Twitch)

    I actually liked the old events we had back in 2015ish when I joined, you know when we had that Halloween server with the big maze and the roller coaster. That was mainly vanilla, but I liked it.
    InsaniumIV likes this.
  14. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I have a question then to everyone, I do see a lot of people not joining events because they don't want to download a certain modpack or their computer has issues with a pack.
    @BookerTheGeek This is kinda where I was going with this. I am wondering if it would be more "Manageable" or easier to get more players to do more Vanilla style events. Yes, I am awhere that we are a modded community . :)
    InsaniumIV and SparedPumpkins like this.
  15. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    I had a bit of a silly idea using Pams Harvestcraft and building:

    Plots are given to participants in a "town" setting, with roads and sidewalks and stuff. The plots would be a 2x2 Chunk space.
    The players have to build a themed restaurant and make appropiate food from pams harvestcraft using the alloted time and in survival.
    They are allowed to use the other mods in whatever modpack we choose to add gimicks to their restaurant, but it still has to feel like a restaurant.
    The buildings don't have to be a brick box serving pizza, we want spice! We want flavour! Put a giant squid sucking the side of your sushi restaurant!

    Contestants would be judged on the following aspects:
    1. Does the food fit the theme?
    2. Does the overall building fit the theme?
    3. Landscaping
    4. Indoor Decor
    5. Bonus Creativity Points
    6. How unique is the theme?
    7. How Out of the box is the building?
    (More categories can be added)

    Im open for suggestions on how to improve this idea, this is just a rough sketch, don't be afraid to turn it on its head!
    This suggestion was born out of the thought that senseless building isn't the goal, we need to have a sort of theme so there are more curveballs and fun elements to it.
    In future iterations of the game we could expand the town and change the theme to offices, libraries, motels, grocery stores, nuclear reactor plants! We could have a whole MyM city!
  16. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    i'll be blunt, i haven't joined a single event so far. i would love to join some community stuff and interact more with others, but all events so far just haven't been my cup of tea. most events come usually down to either creativity or skills, and i have neither.
    i can't build fancy stuff for the sake of my life, and half the time i have to look up guides/playthroughs in order to figure out/copy certain machinery (e.g. how to automate the squeezer in interactions).
    so i can never find any motivation to join a contest when i know that i'll just embarrass myself

    events don't have to be contests either, how would some chill hangout events sound?
    maybe something along the lines of just having some theme park map with things like jumping puzzles, dropper maps or other minigames, where ppl can just join and have fun with the community, while being in a discord call.

    also, i know this is a minecraft network, but iirc,we did have other game servers, like pixark, or vintage story before. so maybe we could have some events where the network hosts some other game server for 1 weekend, and have the community play it together
    InsaniumIV and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  17. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    This is actually something I was thinking about when I first read this post. I used to play on just a vanilla server but they did event for most major holidays and I distinctly remember an Easter one. We had a whole new map that you were able to go into and it was all a giant cocoon of a place (so that it was all contained and you couldn't get out of the map) and it had a huge main path that'd branch out and go through multiple levels. Of course the main goal was hunting and finding eggs to get goodies but there was also parkour, knowledge testing, fighting custom mobs, grinding through some custom mobs to get enough of a certain drop, etc. And all of this was so you could gain certain items that you then were able to redeem and keep to play with then on the survival side of things.

    I also remember this one, that was truly fantastic event in itself. I don't really remember it all too well but it was well decorated, the maze was really fun with many spooky things around he corners and there was a great atmosphere in general. I believe it was timed? So whomever got through it the fastest won and the prize was a kit of some sort at the time.

    But, I think something where it's a bit of everything (and by everything I don't really mean everything, perhaps picking out 3-4 different "events") would be best suited for many players. And of course having appropriate incentive to actually get in on the action. I think tokens and credits are good but (and I guess credits do kind of fulfil this) having more tiered item(s) prizes from a players choice of server could be a nice thing. As the end game rule came down, for example the server I play on MCEternal, the market is nonexistent and there's nothing to spend credits on except more claim blocks or tokens ...or you've just been playing so long on the server that tokens aren't really an incentive as much as something else would.

    I also think the fault of many of these events/contests is that we don't advertise this at all except a single post on the forum which a lot of people don't frequent and a lot of new players don't have a forum account or haven't even visited yet. I think things like updating server spawns and even the hub to reflect that we have an event going on would be good. Along with making sure once in a while a more special message pops up about the even that is not just the standard forum post in-game message. Even having a good announcement in discord! I loved the idea of changing the MyM discord logo to a Halloween theme this year!

    Having to have a lot more time to prepare yourself than a weeks notice would probably grab more peoples attention as well. For example, b-team spawn event. It was actually great and I loved seeing a lot of people want to join but it had such short notice that a lot of those people who wanted to weren't able to participate. Just as much as players understand that us as as staff have lives outside of this place so do players so we should give a bit more time too.

    And, having a good follow through on the event when it's finished is also important. I obviously understand that a lot of this is volunteer effort but for example the event where I can't even seem to find the post ..but it was the stuff hidden at spawns asking a question with multiple choice answers. I think it was fantastic but there seemed to be no traction to it and I don't remember there being any conclusion to it.

    This is just my two cents from observing things over the years.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2020
  18. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    4:38 PM
    umm tl;dr summary pls
    LordEreh likes this.
  19. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    On a previous server, we ran a Spleef Arena event. It was setup for just 1 weekend and basically it was a knockout system.

    We threw in some mobs to liven things up a bit but in general it was great fun as it is. I ran with players on Discord as well so we could all laugh and chat as we were playing.
  20. InsaniumIV

    InsaniumIV The Fourth

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    4:38 PM
    infinity emotions shown

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