Info All the Mods 6 - ATM6 - Server Reset and Update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dead_0nArrival, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Dead_0nArrival

    Dead_0nArrival Well-Known Member

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    7:38 AM

    Server Address
    CurseForge / Overwolf

    Pack Version: 1.4.1

    Launch Times

    Patron: TBD​

    Notice!! This server will be getting an immediate reset and update in one hour!
    Reason for Reset There have been a few updates since the launch of this pack and we feel like now is a good time to provide you with these updates, but in order to do so, we must reset the server. If you would like your playerdata transferred over to the new server or a base download for single player, please create a ticket or a forum post.
    Description All the Mods started out as a private pack for just a few friends of mine that turned into something others wanted to play! It has all the basics that most other "big name" packs include but with a nice mix of some of newer or lesser-known mods as well.

    In All the Mods 6 we will continue the tradition adding many new mods while going for more stability.

    Does "All The Mods" really contain ALL THE MODS? No, of course not.

    Full Mod List
    Patron Server Information 1.16 is not ready for a public modded server which is why this is a Patron ONLY server. This means that if you have a current patron subscription, you are able to join this server. You can also get access to this server if a tier 2 or tier 3 patron uses their friendpass on you. Once your patron runs out, you can no longer join the server.
    Want to get Patron? Visit our Shop
    Warning Modded Minecraft in 1.16 is still heavily under development, there are still a lot of issues with mods and Forge. Only some mods are updated to 1.16 and a lot of them are unfinished.
    This server is a Forge only server without any plugins because Sponge and other server software are not available for 1.16 yet.

    The server has the FTB Suite of server utilities.
    FTB Chunks - Can be used to claim chunks using either /ftbchunks claim to claim are chunk or use map icon in the top left corner if you open your inventory. The map will highlight your claimed chunks

    FTB Essentials - Commands like /home, /spawn, /back and /rtp are available through this mod. For a full list of commands, check the curseforge page:

    Max Homes is 8
    No home cooldown
    /back cooldown is 30 seconds
    /tpa cooldown is 30 seconds
    /rtp cooldown is 15 seconds

    Without the plugins we will also be more limited in providing support with issues and handling performance issues.

    Check out our Wiki for more information on All of the Mods 6!

    Because of 1.16 the modpack is not working on the MyM-Launcher yet.
    LadyRen13 and Gabezetrainboy4 like this.
  2. Fractal_Phoenix

    Fractal_Phoenix Patron Tier 1

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    6:38 AM
    when ya say reset does that mean everything's gonna be gone gone kinda reset? :eek:
  3. kl00

    kl00 Patron Tier 1

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    7:38 PM
    Reset usually means total wipeout of map like starting fresh. I feel bad for the village you made though :(

    You can though get your player data: "If you would like your playerdata transferred over to the new server or a base download for single player, please create a ticket or a forum post."
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  4. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    4:38 AM
    Maybe this time I should start a village for a nice change of pace
    Fractal_Phoenix and kl00 like this.
  5. Fractal_Phoenix

    Fractal_Phoenix Patron Tier 1

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    6:38 AM
    Figured it meant that but worht asking just in case. this time around me and crow know some of the things to go for so we can get back to our point faster this tiem around.

    if anyone see's bamboo though let us know :) we'll definitely need some if we cant manage to find a bamboo forest again
  6. kl00

    kl00 Patron Tier 1

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    7:38 PM
    what a coincidence...

    I rtp'd to a bambo forest. XD just @me if you online or you need them at some point.
  7. Tigrero

    Tigrero Well-Known Member

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    12:38 PM
    ''i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it didn't even matter''
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  8. kamild_

    kamild_ Well-Known Member

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    12:38 PM
    I'm assuming this transfer will only include inventories and not claimed chunks/bases?
  9. Fractal_Phoenix

    Fractal_Phoenix Patron Tier 1

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    6:38 AM
    its all the mods, if you arent trying out all the new mods then you're missing part of the experience :p
  10. Mindcrash1990

    Mindcrash1990 Well-Known Member

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    12:38 PM
    how long will this server be up ? still worth it to get me patron ?:p
  11. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    There is no plans to take it down anytime soon.
    Mindcrash1990 likes this.
  12. kl00

    kl00 Patron Tier 1

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    7:38 PM
    And I hope it will last for at least a year.
  13. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    4:38 AM
    my understanding is that patron servers stay until the want for them goes away. and since it seems like a lot of people are playing on it, we're golden
    kl00 likes this.
  14. UnitiveRoom8

    UnitiveRoom8 Patron Tier 1

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    I would like my player stats moved over to the tekkit server. My tag is UnitiveRoom8. Can I ask that you possibly put factions in the tekkit server. It will make teaming with friends a lot easier, land claims, and much more fun things!
  15. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    We can't transfer player data between packs. Your actual STATS though are global to all MyM servers.

    As for your Factions suggestion, can you make a post in the Suggestions forum so we can get input from other Tekkit players?
  16. UnitiveRoom8

    UnitiveRoom8 Patron Tier 1

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    I w
    I was told that factions doesn't work with a cauldron pack. I've been playing tekkit for a while and never heard of this cauldron pack. But, I will post in the forum suggesting it so others can talk about it or the admins can look into it because the claiming and team thats it there now isn't user friendly at all. It's just as bad as towny. Was the reset wipe for all the servers or just certain ones?
  17. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    You can imagine Cauldron as being a modded server, allthough the correct term is to say that Cauldron will allow your Forge server to have Bukkit compatible Plugins. Which is to say you mod the modded server. But not quite, because the Bukkit plugin method is more like an API for Minecraft which will allow you to add arbitrary code that the server process will run, whereas forge mods is more … well its complicated.

    But the gist is that all the fancy protection and tiers and bonuses and chatty extras - those are run by plugins.

    But some Bukkit plugins collide with the Forge mods that you need to … well make the modpack. And that is all down to classes and class names and the Factions plugin using the same class names as some mods, because it was written to be used as plugins on a Vanilla server and … well it really is complicated.

    So Tekkit doesn't have Factions because Tekkit is Forge and Factions is Bukkit and there is a code collision that Cauldron can't work around.
  18. Greywulf82

    Greywulf82 Patron Tier 1

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    Ive purchased a tier one subscription but how do i get on the server?
  19. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    @Greywulf82 You should be able to logon immediately. If you have any issues then relog on the forums (it needs to update your IP).

    If that doesn't help contact us on Discord, support forums, or the ticket system.
  20. Greywulf82

    Greywulf82 Patron Tier 1

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    7:38 AM
    How do i get passed the registration on discord? Ive done both things and am not on it yet? And who do i talk to about the server being down for hours now?

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