change the anti spam

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by sp33draft, Jul 16, 2021.

  1. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    11:29 PM
    the anti spam that is being used right now in my opinion is really bad you can say welcome to someone and than you cant say that again until the server reset or you say some random stuff to bypass it
    i think the anti spam should count how many time you typed said thing in how much time and should stop you from spamming if you are saying the same thing like 4 times in one minute or something and not stop you from saying something after hours

    and i think that peoples that have already a lot of time on the server like 300 i think would be good shouldn't have the slowmode on global because they should already know what is allowed on the network and to not to spam on global

    i would love to hear your suggestion about the anti spam and global chat
    MaraJade2 likes this.
  2. MaraJade2

    MaraJade2 Moderator

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    I don't know the specifics of the anti-spam plugin, but I agree that it would be nice if it could be tweaked to fix things like this. Saying "Yep" twice in a row several hours apart is not spamming, especially after I've tried to say "Yes" instead somewhere in there and still couldn't.
    sp33draft likes this.
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    10:29 PM
    There was already few or dozen threads about this.
    It's so annoying matter, why dont remove yes, no, welcome, hello, hi etc from anti spam or change to max 5-10 before anti spam kicks in.
    I think in the past some1 told the same... why staff again dont listen?
  4. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Ironically, that is exactly how it works. When you speak you get a spam point, spam points disappear after XX many seconds, speak too many times in XX many sec and accrue too many spam points...get a warning. Repeat same comment in XX many seconds...get a warning.

    We can look into adjusting the timers, etc, but I suspect we're already riding the fine line for adjusting stuff like this.
  5. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    11:29 PM
    than it sounds like the spam point dont disappear because you can say "yes" than after a few hours you still cant say "yes" again
    Gabezetrainboy4 likes this.
  6. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    10:29 PM
    agreed on the yes/no/hi/hello words to be excluded from the spam filter. Its annoying you cant repeat a yes twice in a row. And saying stuff like Affirmative to circumvent that is just tedious.
  7. Gabezetrainboy4

    Gabezetrainboy4 Well-Known Member

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    Would be nice if staff was excluded from this :)
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  8. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    11:29 PM
    and people that hit a playtime on the network i mean after a long time you should know the rules on this network
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  9. Redshii

    Redshii Senior Moderator Build Team

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    I think Gabe and Sp33d proposed the best 'mature' solution. I have this quite often when I want to reply to a PM and use /p instead of /r. Trying to rearrange the words just gives me a spam warning and it's quite hard to figure out a way if you were explaining something specific. There's always discord chat logs in case someone does go ham in my opinion.
  10. eragon2262

    eragon2262 Well-Known Member

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    There have been times where I sent a message before I moved and it never actually sent but it is still added to the spam list so I cant actually say what I typed without completely changing it. This is really annoying when I type a long message to help someone and then am unable to once I've actually moved. Sometimes it just is a little overzealous. I definitely understand you don't want people going crazy but sometimes it goes too far
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  11. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    11:29 PM
    can a admin/manager maybe respond and give his opinion about this except what hanover said i understand what he said but i mean a respond about the new stuff that other ppl suggestion ?
    LordEreh likes this.
  12. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    5:29 PM
    I agree with maybe excluding certain words/phrases from the spam filter for instances stated above. I haven't looked much into the spam filter so I'm not fully sure of it's capabilities but maybe the Admin team can give more insight to this?
  13. sp33draft

    sp33draft Member

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    11:29 PM
    well HanoverFist69 did give insight but i dont think it is working at least the "spam points disappear after XX many seconds" i mean saying yes after hours still count so im guessing but it doesnt seem to work
  14. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Spam filters catch H on ALL servers. I know of only 3 different filters but they are all flawed. How can you get a warning for asking 2 different people a question? That is how imbecilic the filters are. Perhaps someone should create a spam filter for the spam filter. That would be nice.
  15. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    10:29 AM
    I also dislike the spam filter, sometime I will be talking to a party chat and a person... I type out a long sentence accidentally send it to the wrong chat and cannot repost it without having to reword the sentence.

    It's not mission-critical for me but it can be a real pain sometimes.
    sp33draft likes this.
  16. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    2:29 PM
    Playing the devil's advocate here, but in order to ensure we don't have trolls and other folks annoyingly filling our screens with repeated sentences or repeating words over and over again, we have to sacrifice a little of our freedoms to ensure that does not occur... The Mods/Admins/Staff can not be on every servers chat 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, monitoring chats just to ensure folks don't break the chat rules... So the automation, albeit not perfect, is put in place to help regulate this issue and keep folks from griping about spamming if the automation did not exist in the first place...

    That being said, yes, there will be circumstances were multiple people might be asking a question, and if the answers (within a short period of time) for all those questions is the same, the automation is not smart enough to distinguish that is what occurred and therefore dings the player for spamming that same word or set of words... Or perhaps, someone does type something in the wrong channel, and tries to type it in a different channel, ding, they are penalized because the automation can not determine that the player had just made a mistake in typing the sentence in the wrong chat, and therefore dings them... The automation spam filter probably has limitations in this regard, that may or may not be fixable... Yes, the Admins/Staff can probably make small alterations to the settings of the filter, but in the long run, it will never be fool proof... It is only as smart as it was programmed to be... And we as players have to understand it's limitations, and work within the confines of those limitations if we want to have a Spam Free chat system... Nothing is perfect, and we can not expect perfection...

    Now, obviously, IF there is a flaw in the system, that the Admin/Staff folks are not already aware of, we should report them and hope they are fixable... But they may not always be fixable... And therefore as players, we have to be patient, and not stress out so much when the Admin/Staff folks are doing the best they can to meet both our expectations... Which include, but are not limited to, having a Spam Free chat, and being able to communicate properly within the confines of the chat rules... But as I said already, sometimes there is a sacrifice that must be made to get the best results... And I'm sure if the current system is determined to be truly broken, and not living up to it's intended expectations, that the Admin/Staff is either already looking for better alternatives and/or they are doing the best they can with what they have, in order to please the most people possible... Obviously they can never please everyone always... And we should not expect that anyhow...

    Stepping down off my soap box... :)

    sp33draft likes this.
  17. mauri567

    mauri567 Patron Tier 2

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    10:29 PM
    I agree to changing it, i am writing fast, so quite often it can happend that i miss a word, then i try to correct it, then i cant because i need to wait X seconds, when i try writing it again, it sais i cant repeat the same word again, so gotta write a whole diffrent sentence simply to correct or add 1 word.
  18. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    5:29 PM
    This goes out to all. Having been a mod, owner, and partner in servers, I have seen it all. Heard it all too, But what I am trying to say is this: Moderators, the first job is to the player, NOT your build. Next is the staff. I have no problems with staff (Senior mod and Devs). The Devs need to be able to respond to mods as rapidly as possible to AVOID downtime, and the Senior Mods will respond to moderator problems only. They need to be able to respond to a Moderators problems 24-7. because some of the players can and will sit in front of Minecraft for days at the time with breaks for food and bathroom only. Finally the owners. These people are beyond the range of Senior Mods and communicate with developers to add pleasing touches to the programs.
    Now, this was the way it worked when I was in the system, and it needs to go back to that. I have been on servers that will completely avoid a question if it pesters them while they are on a build. As one of the mottos found in the rules...Ignorance of the rules is not permitted, and ignoring a player that has a need or a question is NOT permitted. I have been in the Minecraft Modded community for many years, and I can tell when something is off with the staff, especially Mods.
    Monitoring chat is only one of the main requirements. We scheduled a 4-hour rotation on all moderators and during this period they sit and monitor the chat. Abuse of chat is punishable by having a time out. The player is dropped from the channel and is not allowed back on ANY server until a certain time has expired. This is simple and very effective, and the player is very quiet when he comes back. This is a simple server kick for a certain time, that's all. Such means may seem a little draconic, but it works.
  19. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    The problem with this is that it fails to address a very important point - You shouldn't expect a staff team on a video game server to constantly be at your beck and call, because most people's lives don't revolve around a video game. This is especially true of a server that offers it's service - entertainment, community, etc. - for free. The vast majority of people, both players and staff, have lives outside of MyM; families to take care of, jobs to work at, other forms of entertainment. Being a part of the staff is a voluntary position. There is no pay, and therefore the expectations are more lenient than those of a real job. That's not to say the staff team doesn't do a good job. Just keep in mind that the people doing their best to solve everybody's issues are just that - people.
  20. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    5:29 PM
    The problem with this is that it fails to address a very important point - You shouldn't expect a staff team on a video game server to constantly be at your beck and call, because most people's lives don't revolve around a video game. This is especially true of a server that offers it's service - entertainment, community, etc. - for free. The vast majority of people, both players and staff, have lives outside of MyM; families to take care of, jobs to work at, other forms of entertainment. Being a part of the staff is a voluntary position. There is no pay, and therefore the expectations are more lenient than those of a real job. That's not to say the staff team doesn't do a good job. Just keep in mind that the people doing their best to solve everybody's issues are just that - people.

    Sorry, I thought that I was addressing a group of people that are having a problem with SPAM! There is NO SPAM FILTER that will do Everything that you want. We looked at what was out there for our servers which at the time were 1.6.x, and found that we would have to have a hired staff just to administer it. That is when we looked into the server kick for 10 minutes. Trust me... It works. After being kicked a player is much more respectable and attentive to staff and generally does not repeated the offense because it is advertised on the server that "Joey Brown was kicked from the server for 10 minutes because he can't keep his mouth shut." Follow up announcement is "Next server kick by the same person is a full 24 hours off the server. You have been warned" You completely missed the point that this is still something that the Mods can do in the time that they have because the mods do see it and hey just care NOT to do anything about it.
    Yes, I am a bit critical right now, because I never said that the staff team SHOULD be at the beck and call of players, I mentioned that the staff does need to be more player-friendly. The reason for the spam mod is because nobody, including myself, is going to completely police the server, but these server bans can be instituted at any time and even after reviewing logs showing the chat violation, a server ban could and should go on. I just feel that the chat filter does not do enough in some cases yet becomes very picky in other cases. Tweaking of the mod may give more and better results if the use of the server temp ban is in place.

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