Done Automated User / Auto-Clicker not interacting with cauldron

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 4' started by Tomuchan, Dec 3, 2021.

  1. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    I am trying to automate lava production but the autoclicker and automated user don't interact with the cauldron. I want to avoid using the dropper because there is no overflow control and leaving many entities on the ground is bad for server performance.

    Current working setup:




    First we check in singleplayer that autoclicker and automated user are able to interact with the cauldron.


    Automated User:

    I used a glass cauldron for the screenshots but testing with vanilla cauldron was also fine.



    The same configuration and setup on the server does not work.


    Automated User:


    This is not the same issue as Done - Block placer and Auto Clicker not working | MineYourMind Community

    We know this because the autoclicker and automated user does work on the server. Only the interaction with the cauldron is broken.

    Autoclicker placing blocks on the server:

    Automated user placing blocks on the server:
  2. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Some autoclickers just don't work in 1.12 with the claim protection system. You'll need to try ones from other mods and find one that does work.
  3. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    As far as I know these two blocks are the only options. Otherwise we need to use dropper but it's risky.

    Lava-power is a big part of the early game in this modpack. Is it possible to add the sir-willi endertank or something as a compromise?
  4. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    You are more or less using the same dropper-into-cauldron setup that I am, but I added a tinkers tank as a buffer of lava and use a comparator out of that tank to give the clock a signal. That way the clock is only ticking when there is room for more lava in the tank.

    I'll try to make a little something (video or screenshots) tomorrow that we can put up on the wiki ( Welcome to MineYourMind’s wiki and documentation! — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation )
  5. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, I already read your post here Done - Automating Lava Production w/ Cauldrons? | MineYourMind Community

    It's a cool hack but it's a band-aid fix. A better option is just to pipe the lava straight into a black hole tank so you never need to check the fill state of the tank with redstone. Unless you manage to reach the limit of the black hole tank it will never overflow but that's quite unlikely.

    Ultimately I have no need for lava anymore, I already found work arounds and grinded my way past it.

    But for new players that join it's gonna be a pain in the butt. Every SF4 youtuber and forum post recommends using the auto-clicker or automated user in the early game. In other words the intended mechanisms and progression loop is broken.

    Forcing players to use the dropper with janky workarounds is not ideal. Both for the player experience as well as the risk of hurting server performance. Most players will either give up or just let the dropper run out of control and cross their fingers.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
  6. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    This is a server. I have played on many SF4 servers before, with more than ten players, with everything from YouTuber to kids. This is the only server that runs after a few weeks. The other servers had to remove entire region files because some of the players made silly mistakes and placed the wrong blocks next to each other. The "Intended progression" is an illusion in this pack. The other servers that did not have a protection system in place had rampant theft and griefing. Players were kicked on a suspicion or based on accidents.

    This server has a protection system in place that enable us to prevent some of these mistakes and accidents. For instance, cyclic is coded in such a way that it fails, where other mods are coded so that they can function even within the same restrictions.

    We have to prioritize stability over playability sometimes and when we can present you with a workaround that is frankly very simple to set up, then we need to make sure the workaround is documented, not remove the protection that has kept the server safe.
  7. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    With all due respect you're twisting my words there. I never said we need to remove the claim/protection system. Talking about griefing/stealing on other servers is not relevant to the discussion.

    Documenting a workaround is okay but you know as well as I do that hardly anyone will dive into the documentation. Only a fraction of players will ever check these forums and even fewer will read the MyM documentation.

    There's a reason why there's 4 threads about this issue on the support forum - the autoclicker and automated user are essential parts of this modpack.

    I am just suggesting that if MyM is unable to resolve the conflict then the onus is on them to give players an alternative such as the SirWilli ender tank. Is that really so unreasonable? I don't understand why this is such a contentious matter.

    Adding an infinite lava as a compromise would be far simpler for people to use and also less risk to server performance than expecting people to read some obscure documentation.
  8. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    Working as IT support in RL has taught me to twist a word or two to get to the real intent ;)

    I'll raise the question in the staff chat, to hear if it is feasible to add a recipe for a SirWilli tank or similar.
    My suggestion is a cobble gen, a clicker and a cauldron for the recipe.

    Until then, I am happy to help setting up the complicated Overflow Secured Lava Contraption™.
  9. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    Hm maybe. I think there could be some problems with the license agreement. If we can't add the sir wili endertank then just hooking up the default white-white-white ender tank a to a creative lava source could be a workable solution.
  10. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    That is pretty much what the SirWilli tank does. With the addition that its owner is set to SirWill, so it can't be easily reproduced and the diamond needs to be kept intact

    Not sure what licensing issues you see there
  11. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    Some modpacks are released to the public under the condition that they are not allowed to be changed. Adding a new recipe might be against those conditions whereas using the default endertank does not.

    If an admin sets up a protected area and connects the default ender tank to an infinite lava supply the modpack isn't being changed.
  12. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    @Aidoneus can you take a look at this when you get a chance? The clickers do work....they just dont work on a cauldron.
  13. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Which mod is the clickers from and what is the item's actual name? Can you show me setting that are supposed to work?
  14. Tomuchan

    Tomuchan Well-Known Member

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    This is the simplest functioning setup for the 'Automated User' from the mod 'Cyclic'.

    Same setup as above but using 'Auto Clicker' from the mod 'Click Machine'.
  15. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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  16. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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