Decided Against AOTB Exchange 750 lava dynamos for a Cenergy cell

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by VictarionMagne, Jan 15, 2022.

  1. VictarionMagne

    VictarionMagne Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:01 AM
    The idea is that in aotb you use 750 magma dynamos you generate the same amount of power as 1 creative energy cell
    but 750 magma dynamos create a lot more server and client lag,
    Therefore we should be able to exchange them.

    See former ticket for reasoning behind numbers
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    6:01 AM
    I dont play the pack, but staff dont change packs unless absolutely neccesary.

    Sounds to me you are saying: "im breaking the server by overstating, to stop me, give me a creative item..." Dont think thats gonna fly...
    BloxKilla likes this.
  3. VictarionMagne

    VictarionMagne Well-Known Member

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    8:01 AM
    i can feel you dont play the pack, But late game 750 dynamos aka 60k RF/t is not hard to get or use, which (incidentally is the same as a creative energy cell), But for every dynamo you need 1 fluid cable and one energy cable, and while the energy cables dont create any lag what so ever, 15000 light sources that updates every tick, is some what exesive, specially since thermal fluid cables arent very optimised.

    This is specially aparent since there is no work needed to maintain a 60k RF/tick system, since the system is self systaining

    But feel free to go to ( -3100, 5600) on the AOTB server build server overworld, and try get more than 3 fps, (eventhough you run 16GB of ram and a gtx
  4. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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  5. VictarionMagne

    VictarionMagne Well-Known Member

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    8:01 AM
    ok first of all one i got the wrong coords but the right coords are only like 2000 blocks south

    second of all that aint my base, its just one of the late game bases which serve as a good thing to point at.

    Unlike other modpacks AOTB is forced to use dynamos as power generation.
  6. Zirgof

    Zirgof Well-Known Member

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    7:01 AM
    you get lava for free in that pack?

    60krf/t is a lot? in SB2 i generate 25Mrf/t (with one rainbow gen) and thats still too slow to finish the last emc quest in a reasonable time
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
  7. TheeForgotten

    TheeForgotten Senior Moderator Build Team

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    1:01 AM

    Most of the other players are right. We do not do any type of trades like that we make sure that you play the game how it is suppose to be played. On that not if you can't get creative items by playing then we don't hand them out either.
  8. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    10:01 PM
    I am going to deny this suggestion. We will not trade items for creative items on a server, some packs have creative items as part of the pack, expert packs, but non-expert packs do not need them. We do have rules against overstating, which 750 dynamos would fall under that. Bteam is not an expert pack, or even a hard pack, doing that is excessive and not needed at all.

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