Info Patron Server Switch to Stoneblock 3

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Aidoneus, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:08 AM
    It is that time to change the Patron server to a new and exciting pack. Of course, the new pack is the new and popular Stoneblock 3 that Feed the Beast has produced. I have spent the last week or so making sure I can get this pack working on multiplayer. That being said, here is how we will be doing it.
    New Server Release Time: 2/12/2022 @ 9am CET
    FTB Launcher - MYM Launcher
    Pack Description

    Welcome to Stoneblock 3!
    StoneBlock 3 is here and there's more action and adventure waiting for you than ever before! In
    a world of rock and stone, release your inner dwarf and build your subterranean kingdom! Use
    magic and technology to forge your realm to your designs. Make your dimension your own, or
    play with friends. Featuring a free-form sandbox-style play with lots of quests and goals to guide
    you through the pack. With scripted events and interactions for players to explore along their
    adventure, you know every experience will be unique. With StoneBlock's unique map
    generation the world and its biomes are created in concentric circles around your base meaning
    adventures to the nether or end are never more than a pickaxe (or 20) away!

    Useful Pack Information

    There is a couple of things you should keep in mind while playing this pack and I will do my best to help you start playing the right way.

    Island Creation To create an island in Stoneblock 3, you will need to go through the nether portal at spawn. Once you go through the portal, you can select what type of island you want to create. Each island creates a dimension reserved for you. Make sure you create a FTB team first though! Once you are at your island, make sure to claim everything so you are not effected by things like creeper damage.
    Stoneblock Commands There are a couple of commands you will want to keep in mind while playing.
    You can use the /home & /sethome commands like normal
    Use /ftbstoneblock lobby to teleport back to spawn/lobby
    Use /ftbstoneblock home to take you back to your island

    All of the Mods 7 Server Shutdown Information

    All of the Mods 7 Server Shutdown Date: 1/12/2022
    Base Downloads As this server does NOT have our plugins, you will need to request a base download and we will give it to you. You can post a forum support post here.
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    3:08 PM
    I guess you can mark my suggestion thread as accepted (whether it had any bearing on the decision to add the pack or not)
    Though as I haven't actually played on any recent MC version patron servers I do have a few questions;
    1. are the donor tier perks (fly/god/kits/spawnerchange/etc) implemented in 1.18+ servers?
    2. will the use of only the mym chunkloader ticket system be enforced or will the use of the ftbchunks system or chunkloader blocks like the one from create etc be permitted?
    3. are any items going to be restricted/banned, most notably tick accelerators like the watch of flowing time? as having played the pack a little in SP and watched a couple youtubers playthroughs it is very evident that aspects of the pack (particularly the resource grind for singularities needed for endgame) have been designed with (in some cases rather aggressive) tick acceleration in mind to be viable in a remotely reasonable timeframe...
    Or, alternatively will any recipes be modified to reduce the required materials to alleviate the need for excessive/tick-accelerated resource farming setups?

    Finally, and i know this is a self-centred request, but is there any possibility of bringing forward the launch time at all as I have the next couple of days off work and it would be a shame not to be able to take advantage of any of that time!
  3. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    8:08 AM
    Hello chaosblad3,

    Hopefully I can answer your questions.

    1. Donor perks are not available on patron-only servers. The reason the servers are patron-only is because of a lack of plugin support, including the plugins that allow these perks.

    2. The MyM chunkloaders run on a plugin, which also isn't available, so ftbchunks will be used (Take this one with a grain of salt, not entirely sure.)

    3. Banned items are global, across all of our servers, run through a script installed on every server. So any items that are banned on other servers will be disabled on SB3 as well. Normally, we don't change recipes, but if the pack is unplayable without tick acceleration, make a suggestion post, and we will look into it to see if recipe modification is required.

    As for the launch time, we leave these few days in-between announcement and launch to finish setting up the server, so the launch date will not change.

    I hope this answered your questions. I'm glad you suggested the pack, it looks fun!

    Happy gaming!
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    3:08 PM
    Fair enough, in that case with regard to 1. if none of the regular plugins mym uses for tier perks are available would it be possible to try implementing at least some of the available commands through the ftbessentials and ftbranks mods the pack already contains?

    For example by default the pack already allows regular players to use the /enderchest command, and allows op'd admins to use /fly, /heal and /god, however by editing ./saves/~/serverconfig/ftbranks.snbt it should be possible to create custom player ranks with access to some of those commands.

    Documentation/examples of how to implement can be found here :)

    Also it occurs to me that if you haven't done so already you might want to look at forcibly disabling the minetogether mod, as it adds a 3rd party pseudo-multiplayer chat system (even in singleplayer) that would be outside myms moderation which could result in players on the mym server seeing foul language from players outside of myms control.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2022
  5. Caylex333

    Caylex333 Well-Known Member

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    11:08 AM
    I'm so sad to see the "AlltheMods7" go :( - I really enjoyed that modpack. If there is anyway in the future to add in the plugins so that there's some company on these Patron Servers - could you maybe consider bringing it back please...? I do really enjoy that I have the advantage of Patron and am able to play these servers but it's really lonely to play on them lol. I'm really hoping there is a fix for this sometime soon in the future... Thank you for all of your hard work <3
  6. MaraJade2

    MaraJade2 Moderator

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    The plugins are being worked on, but from what I understand of what the admins have said a few critical ones are still not working/don't have the necessary support for them to work yet. Once those are functional we would love to move these packs out of patron-only! Unfortunately, we don't have any sort of timeline that can be even vaguely estimated for if/when that will happen :(
  7. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    3:08 PM
    So having tested some more aspects of the pack specifically without the use of the Watch of Flowing Time it is very apparent to me that the pack will be obnoxiously tedious to reach end-game in on the MyM server compared to SP without being able to use it, in particular production of neutronium (without running hundreds of neutron collectors which is a specific example of "overstating" on the rules page as something that is prohibited) and literally the entirety of the chickens mod needed to farm the resources/EMC needed for many of the late-game recipes.

    On the Stoneblock 2 servers, neutronium was less of an issue because once you'd obtained enough of it you could make neutronium seeds to grow more of it at a somewhat reasonable pace but that isn't an option in SB3, and one of the main compromises for not allowing tick acceleration on SB2 was adjusting the config for the roost mod to significantly increase roost resource output rates and significantly increasing the breeding speed of the chicken breeder, both of which are unfortunately not possible in the 1.18 port of the mod (was raised on their issue tracker a few weeks ago and confirmed that adjustable roost/breeder speeds aren't implemented with no indication of when/if they will be).

    So if SB3 is to be remotely playable as a MyM patron server I really think that the use of the Watch of Flowing Time will need to be permitted, at least within reason (e.g. make a rule limiting the number of watches in use per player/team), and see how things go, and only if it becomes a significant noticeable problem consider tightening the restriction or exploring other alternative solutions.
  8. XoCynner

    XoCynner Manager

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    11:08 AM
    @Administrator this is a very good point, maybe something that should be looked into.
  9. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:08 AM
    In regards to this, Not sure how logistically this is doable. Thinking about I would have to manually add everyone manually to ranks and then figure out what everyone has. Creating the ranks themselves are not difficult. In-fact this is the easy part. Only problem is I do not have a way of syncing our database to the server without plugins. Now, I have and am experimenting with the use of the Luckperms Forge mod which could do all of this theoretically.

    I could add some custom playtime ranks which give more access to some of this stuff but that is 2nd to the option above.

    This isn't banned/disabled for now. I also thought about this. Tick accelerating items aren't disabled.

    I have disabled what I could server-side. Now, I am not sure if there are any problems with disabling the mod client-side as I know that mod adds things to the menu and some other stuff (still doing research on it). I do wonder how that global chat is regulated if at all...
    chaosblad3 likes this.
  10. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    9:08 AM
    Edit on this, there isn't a lot of banned items on the solo patron server. So this doesn't really apply since our plugins are not on this server.
  11. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I was hoping there might be an easy way for you to import myms player database to make it compatible with ftbranks but i figured that might not be the case, though depending on how many mym patrons actually plan to play SB3 I assume it wouldn't be too troublesome to create the ranks and then just manually add players to the appropriate ranks upon request.
  12. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    8:08 AM
    The more you know
  13. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    4:08 PM
    Did I miss the server IP/adress ?
  14. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    3:08 PM
    If you use the MyM launcher the IP is added to the multiplayer list automatically, but if you want to use FTB launcher instead for whatever reason the address is
    Aidoneus likes this.
  15. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    8:08 AM
    Shamelessly here to beg for a friend pass :)
  16. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    8:08 AM
    Shamelessly given, hope you enjoy your stay!
  17. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    8:08 AM
    Didn't come back because I didn't expect it. Thank you! I'm hopping on shortly to enjoy.
    And congrats on all the promotions!
  18. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    8:08 AM
    Thanks :D
  19. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    3:08 PM
    Just a heads up regarding possibly updating the server to the new 1.5.0 beta version any time soon i recommend holding off for now as i'm seeing quite a few complains about it been highly unstable on the official ftb discord.
    SovereignEternal likes this.

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