New MC Eternal Update and Reset

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by SovereignEternal, Jan 27, 2023.

  1. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

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    Local Time:
    6:13 PM

    Server Address
    Curseforge Launcher - MYM Launcher
    Pack Version: 1.6.1
    Changelog - Support Forum

    Node 4 Launch Time
    Patron 3 - NOW!
    Patron 2 - Saturday, January 28st 9am CET
    All others - Sunday, January 29nd 9am CET
    Timezone Converter
    Node 3 Shutdown
    Friday, February 3rd

    Update & Reset Information

    Hello, MyMers! This announcement has been a long time coming, and now it's here! The MCEternal server will be reset due to the numerous mod changes, and the pack will be updated. The pack has undergone significant changes, and I hope you enjoy your new experience with it!​

    Pack Description

    Tons of thrilling™ Adventures, Magic, Science, Quests, Combat, Bosses, Automation, Exploration, and Rats who shoot cheese from cannons??

    The Better Late Than Never Update
    "I've spent the last 16 months and counting, handcrafting a fun and fresh new modded experience. There is plenty to discover in all aspects of Eternal and there are plenty of unique twists to keep you engaged. MCE uses basic crafting recipes. I realized blending the fun parts from the likes of modded skyblock (quests, shop, etc along with RPG elements) in a kitchen sink pack that's not too complicated turns out is super enjoyable for all types of players (especially with friends! :D) *Get rewarded for doing whatever you feel like doing with the expansive optional questing system!*"​

    Node 3 Shutdown and World Downloads

    Players may download their claims off the current server with World Downloader to continue in single-player. Any claims not downloaded before the server shutdown will be lost forever, so make sure to preserve your work.​

    Player Transfers

    Players wanting to transfer their player data to the new server must make a forum post or a ticket ( /ticket create) ingame. NOTE: There may be issues with transfers due to the removal of certain mods. Expect to lose items.​


    As this pack is a 1.12 server, this pack is still highly experimental.​
    dubhnoir and BetaPetey like this.
  2. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    9:13 PM
    SovereignEternal likes this.
  3. SovereignEternal

    SovereignEternal Former Admin, I'll be back.

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:13 PM
    Thanks :D
  4. Jaytuple

    Jaytuple Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:13 PM
  5. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:13 PM
    :( Sad face. Well I guess its time. Glad I got on today to see this. Time to take all the pictures.
  6. korncover

    korncover Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:13 PM
    Why the sad face? If you want to keep your progress you can ask for a transfer.
  7. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:13 PM
    It's not so much the player data as it is the build I'm sad about. it's fun to start over again now and then though.

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