Enigmatica 2 Expert Guide - Tips, Tricks and Warnings.

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by HanoverFist69, Dec 24, 2018.

  1. HanoverFist69

    HanoverFist69 Administrator

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    Enigmatica 2:Expert may seem like your standard kitchen sink pack at first but it's been heavily tweaked and there are options you'd never think of - like making steel in the smeltery! So this list of tips will definitely be useful to new players and old.

    I'll try to consolidate this entire thread and organize the tips as we accumulate more.

    • Steel can be made in smeltery. One iron and one coal.
    • Smeltery has a Smart I/O that makes it significantly easier to use/automate.
    • Pyrotheum can be found in the nether. Don't bother with lava for smeltery.
    • Cyclic has a super cheap Night Vision Helmet.
    • Cyclic's Water Candle cranks up local spawn rates. Meaning your vanilla mob farm can be as powerful as cursed earth. -Be warned it covers more than a single chunk.-
    • Try varieties of foods. You gain hearts the more you try.
    • Mobs are your best source of armors. Easy to get a full set of nano on first day.
    • Ex nihlio barrel method is best way to make obsidian until very late game.
    • Sieving is actually better than quarrying.
    • Get an IC2 Mass Fab/Replicator setup asap. A basic setup is all that's required. Costs are reduced significantly. This is the best way to make all the machine frames - which are horrible to make.
    • Grab every chest, piston and furnace you see. They are not easy to make.
    • Automate everything the first time - you'll probably make 1000's of those stupid things.
    • If you kill a dragon (not End) there's a chance it will drop an egg. Which you can raise and use as a flying mount!
    • Get your cinnabar and rich slag production going. You'll need it for recipes and making Platinum.
    • If you make a tool part with one of the Mystical Agriculture ingots it gives a modifier called Prosperous which drops prosperity shards occasionally. You'll need those for making seeds and they can only be found on other planets!! So add a part to your pickaxe asap.
    • Cardboard boxes can be used to move spawners.

    • Astral Sorcery has a serious crash bug when scanning constellations that prevents progress. Therefore, you can get a complete Scroll of Written Expertise in the spawn. It costs one Resonating Wand and will unlock everything in Astral sorcery.
    • Blue Slime is necessary, for progress, but they can be impossible to find once farmworld gets stripped. So, we have added Slime Saplings to the spawn as well. The cost is a few slime balls.
    • If you're having issues with Thaumcraft, and Salis Mundis wont make the crucible or Thaumicon, it's because you didn't sleep. So go take a nap and try again.
    • You have to hold Shift to break your grave.


    • BEWARE THE GOATS!!!!! Goats will headbutt your machines , possibly just IC2, and destroy them.

    More to come,

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
  2. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    The pack requires you to use almost every mod. For thaumcraft purposes, it would be smart to choose a base close to or inside a magical forest biome. It would also save you from the above "Beware the goats" warning because they don't spawn in the magical forest biome.

    Be also aware that using the thaumcraft smeltery to make essentia causes small amounts of flux. so if you use it a lot, you will still cause rifts to form. Go easy on it or get an auxiliary slurry pump and an exhaust valve to reduce all that nasty flux.
  3. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    Also get into Immersive Engineering as soon as you can as it's the gate to Mekanism which allows for some pretty overpowered machines, ore processing and Power Generation. You can also craft the Prosperity Shard blocks
  4. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    And hunt for Tier 4 and 5 Dragon caves. Loot generally contains Empowered items from Actually Additions and Californium and Plutonium (which can be used to craft RTG's that give free ever-lasting power).
    [doublepost=1546018068,1546015970][/doublepost]I have some additions to your points.

  5. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    Just a note, Steel can also be made using alloy furnace from Nuclear Craft which in turn can then be automated as well.
    you could in theory automate a setup just using nuclear craft machine to automate nearly every ingot that needs alloying or something, IE if u want signalum, you can do that through Nuclear craft too.
  6. _Pandoro

    _Pandoro Well-Known Member

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    You can automate them with logistical pipes from mekanism
  7. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    starlight works in the smeltery as fuel, as is easier to refill than lava

    it gets 100 rf/t with lava on a thermoelectric (2 sides)

    Astral has an easy sand generator

    Nuclearcraft has a cobblestone generator

    Sieving is crazy fast, although 240 rf/t. try to prioritise for a sieve then you will be swimming in resources

    Dont put spawners in cardboard boxes in your AE system

    If you make weapons with restonia part, you get a damage modifier based on the number of hearts you have

    Integrated tunnels can be used to grab all of the armour of mobs (every single piece)

    Integrated tunnels can transport energy/items/fluid at an infinite transfer rate, its cheap aswell and has wireless capabilities

    Practice your IC2 setup in SP, if you get it wrong then the explosion will take out a lot

    The magma and powered anvil is a good way to repair tools (excl sharpening kits), you will need to get into IC2 before you can make reinforcement modifiers

    The prudentium excavator (quest option/reward) can get prosperity ore with a low chance as mentioned above) can be used in a mechanical user but you need to think about it breaking

    if you are going for ethylene production, melon are your best crops to grow. you can put them into a compacting draw and it will let you pull out slices without needing any other crafter

    If you want to find dragon lairs and other spawners, make a scanner from the scannables mod; put a block reader in (and range upgrade) and have it look for a vanilla chest. it will find all the dragon ones, and dungeon loot spawners and any other chests in the world
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2019
    Zxirl, Punane and dragon87tamer like this.
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Do you mind if I share those tips on social media?
  9. c0mical

    c0mical Well-Known Member

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    no problem from me, boss
  10. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    *ie ore deposits is worth it

    *early iridium and titanium

    *platinum deposit and bauxite
  11. Somnioblivio

    Somnioblivio Mad-Titan Thanos

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  12. CrystalNeko

    CrystalNeko Well-Known Member

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    Quick tip, you can pick up spawners with your hand.. it's shift right click I believe
  13. osirisgothra

    osirisgothra Well-Known Member

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    on about upper tier dragon lairs containing plutonium: if it is IC2 plutonium, DONT PICK IT UP WITH BARE HANDS... you will certainly die, even regen II and good mid-game armor is no match for the decrease in health, it lasts 2 minutes and that is well enough time to kill you even if you eat or stay saturated. Endgame armor may be able to combat it, but I would not try messing with that. Make a hazmat suit and safe yourself the grief. As for getting it back home, cardboard box the chests and hazmat when unpacking or if possible have armor that shields radiation like quantum armor, etc. One thing I know is that IC2 radiation can be brutal compared to NuclearCraft in this pack, at least in my experience.
  14. FlamesRunner

    FlamesRunner Well-Known Member

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    Had a similar problem when I played the pack -- but I always just dumped it into my AE2 system with an import bus and chest. Does the trick every time.
  15. XoCynner

    XoCynner Manager

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    Has the astral stuff and blue slime been removed from spawn ? Ive not been able to locate it
  16. Evulperson

    Evulperson Well-Known Member

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    I too have been searching for these. Glad to know its not just me feeling dumb/blind :cool:
  17. AyeItsKatieMC

    AyeItsKatieMC Well-Known Member

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    You can craft IC2 MOX Nuclear Fuel using Blutonium from Extreme Reactors thus having to skip farming uranium fuel rods to get tiny piles of plutonium

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