This week on MYM #151

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by dubhnoir, May 15, 2023.

  1. dubhnoir

    dubhnoir Community Coordinator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:32 PM

    Hello Everyone!

    Good luck to everyone doing their exams!

    Weekly Top Voters:

    Congratulations to our top voters for last week, your rewards have been sent off already.

    [​IMG] = LordEreh
    [​IMG] = _WickedHunter_
    [​IMG] = Tryser98

    If you would like to learn what the rewards are for being a top weekly, or monthly voter, you can check those out on our Wiki.

    Management Team Announcements:

    Congratulations to BetaPetey for their promotion to Admin!!
    Want to help out on our server? Then join our staff team! You can fill out an application here.

    We are also looking for builders. Each new server gets a custom spawn and would like your help making them and potentially new event builds. Each build you do can gain you a special rank title!
    You can fill out an application for that here.

    Threads to Watch:

    -Server Status Page here
    -McEternal market suggestions thread
    -McEternal Sign trade thread
    -Claim plugin update inf0 here
    -Network Status Update 2023 here
    -Migrate to Microsoft deadline here

    Admin Corner:

    Below is a list of new changes that our hard working admins have done this week.

    • Grief Defender 1.19 only: Modified default admin claim flags. Please report any issues to the Admins.
    • FTB essentials 1.19 only.
    • Restricted commands like /god to self-only
    • Added /feed command
    • Disabled /nick command
    • Added teleport delays and adjusted teleport cooldowns to what we have on the other servers.
    • Added permissions to paid tiers to bypass them. Tier 1 and up bypass teleport cooldowns and Tier 5 bypass teleport delays
    • Adjusted the chat filters (Please keep reporting any issues!)

    All the Mods 8
    • Set ATM8 Shader packs as not recommended on the MYM launcher but you can add it back if you select it.
    • Increased timeouts on that server by double to hopefully help with slower connections.
    • Increased connection timeouts
    • Updated pack to 1.0.18 (Changelog)
    • Brought over all of my changes and performance fixes from Direwolf20 server fixed a couple more timeout issues

    Direwolf20 1.19
    • MYM Launcher Updated
    • Reset the End and fixed the Dragon
    • Fixed another script issue with deleting the dragonfight data on AFR reset thanks to SirWill
    • Optimized dimension switching (Should be quicker and less taxing on the server when switching dimensions)
    • Add leaky which lets players close by know that there their farm is leaking items on the ground
    • Optimized server saves (Should reduce the lag on server saves by quite a bit)
    • Added a couple of profiling tools for staff to help find laggy setups
    • Increased the reset-timeout timer before disconnecting clients to help with players with slower connections and computers
    • Fixed several issues with chat filters. Not 100% perfect but should be a lot better! (Please report any issues you may have after the update)
    • Added Farmworld
    • Added teleport pads for Farmworld to spawn
    • Added Farmworld to Monthly reset template
    • Added a Warp point for Farmworld: /warp farmworld
    • Updated to 1.11.0 (changelog)
    • Reset the Biomes You'll Go mod configs
    • Updated LuckPerms
    • Added the ability to claim 2 chunks so you can force load those chunks. (You basically have 2 chunks you can load now)
    • Fixed an issue where UUID's were being duplicated for mobs in theory.
    • Added several performance adjustments to the server. Added a mod to help with network usage and configured it
    • Tick duration was cut almost in-half and CPU usage went down by 25% in my testing
    • From testing, this should also help speed up connections to the server
    • Made some more optimizations regarding server boot times.
    • I was seeing server load time less than 2 and a half minutes in these optimizations

    Divine Journey 2
    • Removed quest "Error: Text Out of Bounds" #774 due to banned item

    FTB Skies
    • Fixed an issue with the launcher when not selecting the ItemPhysic mod removing a Coremod that another mod needs in the pack.
    • Disabled Giant Chance Cubes and a couple other cubes. NOTE: Be smart. Do NOT open chance cubes in your base - ever.
    • Updated Grief Defender to 1.19.2-2.3.6-DEV11-TEST1
    • Ported over performance tweaks from Direwolf20

    GT: New Horizons
    • Enabled claims in Last Millenium
    • Changed the world border in the farmworld from 7200 to 3800 like it is supposed to be. The world was eating up to much disk space so I trimmed the regions/chunks outside of the border.
    • Updated Farmworld's AFR reset template

    MC Eternal
    • Removed Ghost Explosive items from FTB Quest loot chests

    Stoneblock 3
    • Updated to 1.7.0 (changelog)
    • Disabled Giant Chance Cubes. NOTE: Be smart. Do NOT open chance cubes in your base - ever.


    That’s all for this update, happy gaming~
    BetaPetey likes this.
  2. Redshii

    Redshii Senior Moderator Build Team

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:32 PM
    Congrats Beta on the promotion!

    Congrats Ereh on top voter!

    Last, but not least, congrats to me for first!
    dubhnoir and BetaPetey like this.
  3. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:32 PM
    hmmm... I always thought who is this Ereh guy? His nickname sounds familiar but I could swear I never saw a guy...

    When I bought giftcode for Minecraft back in 2010 nickname "Ereh" was taken. I wonder if its migrated account or how to find him/her/they/them.

    I think its a time to check how many votes I made... I wish i could have a new rank for "OVER 9000!" votes

    PS 3
    Welp... its closer to 10k now... I ruined the meme and occasion so I am leaving.
    Last edited: May 16, 2023
    dubhnoir and Redshii like this.

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