This week MYM #153

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by dubhnoir, May 29, 2023.

  1. dubhnoir

    dubhnoir Community Coordinator

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    3:27 PM

    Hello Everyone!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the warmer days, and still wishing good luck on exams!

    Weekly Top Voters:

    Congratulations to our top voters for last week, your rewards have been sent off already.

    [​IMG] = LordEreh
    [​IMG] = Tryser98
    [​IMG] = _WickedHunter_

    If you would like to learn what the rewards are for being a top weekly, or monthly voter, you can check those out on our Wiki.

    Management Team Announcements:

    Want to help out on our server? Then join our staff team! You can fill out an application here.

    We are also looking for builders. Each new server gets a custom spawn and would like your help making them and potentially new event builds. Each build you do can gain you a special rank title!
    You can fill out an application for that here.

    Threads to Watch:

    -Server Status Page here
    -McEternal market suggestions thread
    -McEternal Sign trade thread
    -Claim plugin update inf0 here
    -Network Status Update 2023 here
    -Migrate to Microsoft deadline here

    Admin Corner:

    Below is a list of new changes that our hard working admins have done this week.

    • Disabled the ability to /rtp in The End
    • Further adjusted default flags to fix spawners not working in claims. Note: Remake claims or toggle the Monster Spawn flag in the GD gui.
    • Removed some backup presets causing conflicts
    • Reduced percentage of players sleeping required to fast forward night to 33%
    • Disabled warmup timers for commands
    • Updated InControl to 7.1.7
    • Adjusted InControl spawn rules
    • Whitelisted several mods like Productive Bees
    • Whitelisted numerous bosses and mobs.
    • Limited bats to 3 per player
    • Raised other mob caps to 15 per player
      Please report anything that needs to be added to the whitelist to the Admins immediately.

    All the Mods 8
    • Pack Update to version 1.0.19b (Changelog)
    • Reduced the amount of passive and hostile mobs that can spawn around the player from 15 to 7 each
    • Restricted the placing of Nukes in the world and tuned down the explosion radius heavily
    • Implemented a item ground clear script to help with some server issues
    • Disabled ClearLag script due to msg spam
    • Enabled HTTP for ComputerCraft

    FTB Skies
    • Updated to 1.2.1 (changelog)
      Fixed claimblocks not accruing properly
      Possibly fixed a memory leak issue
      Disabled Spark background profiler


    That’s all for this update, happy gaming~
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  2. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:27 PM
    Me making the 1st comment on TWoM be like:
    dubhnoir likes this.

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