Implemented Of griefing and claims

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by krupterz, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    7:31 AM

    I need to talk about something because I think its not okay for some people behave like that.

    Today, tiggieelephant was banned for 2 days because she griefed a road of diamonds, Okay, well nothing strange should be all right, Fair Enough, Griefing isnt allowed, so she got a ban that part makes sense to most of us.

    In this case its not about her, its about the road of diamonds and that somebody was given the opportunity to steal, (its there like bait for newbies who land on the server). If I build a tower of diamondblocks I would claim it, If I'm a mod and I don't claim it because I can see, who has griefed. That grief is not right and he will get a ban. Its not okay to not use my claimblocks. I have them. But instead, I'm waiting for people to grief my road of diamonds. Well, i would say "if its made out of stone, nobody will do a thing about it."

    I dont think it was made out of purpose to actually build and and wait for people to grief it. But hey, thats what i thought when I heard that. Every normal player is protecting their stuff and I think someone who has over 70.000 myms should be able to claim his property so nobody could grief it.

    @DizzyRonson. People should be banned for griefing, yes. But we don't have to invite them to do so. That is not correct. Claim your property. Don't invite people to grief from you. Its not nice to do that. you have enough money to claim it. Please do so.

    Written by Silentstar and corrected by Krupt.

    Now to add on to this, there is alot of rules that need to be written down so we the player base know what will fly and what will get us up poop creek without a paddle, i already had run ins with mods and admins who have little clue how the server moderates itself (and we do moderate ourselves according to the global rules of the mym community with out the need for mod intervention when someone slips a cuss word down the pipe.)

    A rule book clearly written with ALL the rules we need to know and a proper list of words that are right out of the question in chat would be very nice and have it given to all the new players and have it free from Ket for us oldbies (seeing as having a NPC selling claim blocks in spawn is stupid in the extreme cause new players buy from him then go to a build world just to have to go back and sell the blocks they bought and repeat in their build world).

    Also on the note of getting banned for "griefing" and "stealing" we do have claim blocks for a reason and everyone should be using them, there is a few on the monster world that seem to think just cause they "claimed" an area with a mffs means nobody else can claim it, obviously this is untrue and i predict possible issues with that in the not too distant future with the influx of newbies comming in lately, if I was new and saw a diamond block road with no real guidelines past a rather weak rules accept that i would likely skim and not connect unprotected road to stealing or griefing (come on diamond block road i would have been all over that if i haden't picked soouth as my home).

    That leads to the subject of Baiting, having high end stuff out where people can walk by and pick it up is flat out asking for it to be stolen, I don't condone stealing but if people are not bothering to protect their stuff the correct way they should also get a warning and if they get robbed again they should also see a short term ban (like 30 min or so).

    I'll likely be adding more to this as stuff pops up.
  2. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    11:31 AM
    Rules - MineYourMind 5.0
    You didn't look very hard^

    Not everyone is entitled to use claim blocks, because sometimes they're saving enough to claim their whole area, or in another case, they've unclaimed ready to re-claim, and they forget about it, and log out.

    Or in other cases, they refuse to use this plugin - Regardless, people should be following the rules, they're there for use, and people have accepted them, so we except people to follow them no matter what.

    /rules 2

    There are so many possibilities regarding this situation.

    Claimed or not, this is still a grief - Regardless.
    We're not going to say.. 'Yeah OK, it wasn't claimed, you're free without punishment'
    No, that is totally not acceptable, and to let someone get away with that? How does that show us as staff, it's completely unprofessional.

    Dizzy never 'invited' anyone to grief him, he clearly just either forgot to claim, or didn't have the correct amount of claim blocks.
    Moderators have the same permissions as players when it comes to claim blocks, they just have extra perms, so they can do their job.

    If you want to report a player/staff, please use this link - Complaints against Players and Staff -
    Next time, don't target anything player/staff on an open thread, that's definitely not OK.

    > Thread moved to 'Suggestion and Feedback'
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  3. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    7:31 AM
    Dizzy has 70k+ myms and has had this happen multiple times already, as for rules you need to maybe put them in a book for everyone on the server cause i can tell you up front that a newbie is not going to hunt the forums for the rules.
  4. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Please read my reply.
    I clearly stated two options in game, that are related to the rules.

    Anything in /rules or /rules 2 are the basics, and are expected to be followed, but you're always going to get them rule breakers wherever you're at.

    When you first join the server, you're expected to read through the rules, and then agree to them, by accepting them.
    If broken, of course, punishments are going to be issued, no questions asked.

    We staff, are here because of these very reasons, and more.
  5. krupterz

    krupterz Local jerkface

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    7:31 AM
    Honestly I belive that banning the fresh blood over obvious bait in the for of a road is stupid and I am willing to go balls to the wall on the subject of people properly claiming their stuff, hell i managed to do it with out much issueand i don't see why other oldbies and "normal" players can't do the same.
  6. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    New player, old player, both are treated the same regarding punishments.
    Either way, both should be fresh onto the rules, considering -
    New player, just read the rules, and knows there is a /rules 2 command
    • (Showing the rules)
    Old player, read the rules a while ago, has been playing/socializing to remember each and every one
    • Experience
    We're not going to give a new player special treatment, just because they can't be bothered to read our rules.
    They're there for a reason, and like I've said, are expected to be followed.

    Of course, you're entitled to your own opinion, but that being said, I very much doubt we're going to stop banning players because they're new and forgot not to grief.

    Griefing is griefing, no matter what.
  7. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    I have to side with Ben on this subject... The rules are there for a reason. Thats like saying someone who is new to the server coming in and typing curse words should get a pass because they are new, where as someone who has been there forever should just get muted. It is not fair to play "favorites" with the players everyone should be treated the same way regardless of standings on the server. once you accept the rules you should be held to them end of story.
  8. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    12:31 PM
    Krupterz just to be clear on the road situation. The road is not "mine" it is infrastructure shared between several players. It is mostly claimed but not all of it is.
    There are several small claims along the road Wich makes it narrower than 10 blocks and "unclaimable"
    And I do to some extent agree with you on the "baiting" side of it.
    but I did not build it and I did warn the builders that it would be a grief magnet.
    They still wanted to use diamond blocks for the looks of it and I'm in no position to deny ppl building what they want.
    There is also a sign warning ppl not to steal the road. Wich should be unnecessary.
    And diamonds are so easy to get early game that I don't see why ppl need to steal it..

    Btw there was 128 diamond blocks stolen.
    Wich should be a 5day ban
    but because of the "baiting" appearance of it I only gave a 2 day ban.

    See I'm the good guy here and I really don't like banning ppl..
    but some ppl gets confused with right and wrong and then a ban is the best medicine..
  9. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    11:31 AM
    Closing the thread.

    I think the point has been made, and the situation has been given some clarity.
    I respect the feedback a lot, and I'm glad you took the time to write it.

    - but of course, banning isn't always the best option, but in this situation? Yes, it is.
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