Implemented Server Rules suggestion

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Lexy2416, Jan 4, 2015.


Should we change the way we tell rules to other players?

Poll closed Jan 11, 2015.
  1. Change the way we tell players about the rules.

  2. Keep it just the way it is.

  1. Lexy2416

    Lexy2416 Well-Known Member

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    12:21 PM
    I have come to a conclusion that some players do not read the rules. There are countless amount of players that accept the rules but don't actually read them. I have noticed that some players that are banned weren't aware of that specific rule.
    I was thinking, including a couple of other mods, that we should tell people about the rules differently.
    Instead of the players just reading the rules and accepting them, i think that they should have to take a short and quick test over the rules that they just read. I have talked to some players who just accept the rules with out reading them.
    Example for the "Test": Player reads the rules. There could be like 3 doors, a sign above each one with an answer, with only 1 correct answer. Any question that is answered wrong sends you right back to the beginning.
    This idea could prevent trolls, who just come on to mess around and grief. If someone wanted to mess around and break the rules, they would have to have some effort, leading to keep some trolls to quit while they are ahead. Also making the rules more clear to other players.
    Now there are countless about of players that i have also talked to that don't know English or not that much, and they told me things like I couldn't read the rules, I don't know English that well and just accepted the rules. Giving me an idea that there should be a choice of language when reading the rules. Please comment any other suggestions. ;) @Moderator @Administrator @Founder
  2. Argonath1337

    Argonath1337 New Member

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    In my opinion if they get punished because they didn't read the rules, as a result of being to lazy to read the rules, it's not excuse at all
    Upon joining a modpack it takes 1minute to go over the rules, and most are pretty simple

    It really doesn't get much easier, they are clear enough

    I do agree on having them available in different languages though
  3. Lexy2416

    Lexy2416 Well-Known Member

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    I did think about that, they should have read them in the first place, but it would take some chaos and work off of staff members, not trying to make it sound like laziness.
  4. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    I've been on some servers before that use the fail->re-try approach to hammer in the rules, and it's somewhat fun to go through the puzzle, and you get to know the rules better than if you were to read them.

    @Argonath1337 the players can "blame" any mis-conduct on not reading the rules, with the setup we have now.
    Making a puzzle/question game will enforce the rules, and cut-off gameplay for those who do not read them, and especially block off griefers who join just to mess with people.

    We'd have to redo the spawn, or make a new spawn-point on the servers, for this to work, but it can be easily done, either with command blocks, or a bit more "showy" on servers with enhancedportals, mystcaft (crystal portals) or thaumcraft, amongst many possible options.
    I'll gladly help with building if needed.

    I love this idea. Way to often I have to ban someone who didn't care or could read the rules.

    Of course, I can also translate the rules to Swedish and if deemed needed, Japanese too.
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    With the experience from the ultimate server where we had a quiz that was hardcore with grown ups needing to read the rules 3-5 times and kids trying to pass it with trying every possibility (around 20 questions you had to complete, one wrong after answering all, try again from the beginning, no tip or info about which answer was wrong + most of these questions required you to combine 3-5 rules for the right answer) we still had a lot of grief going on. I guess birth of this idea is coming from b-team and considering a quiz which is only half as complicated as the one we had on the ultimate server you could see around 60% giving up and most guests only trying every possibility instead of thinking (average age of b-team players).
    Further more if the quiz is easy like, "are you allowed to touch unprotected stuff?", "which languages are allowed in the chat".. You don't need to read the rules to answer them and we are back at the ignorance behavior.

    It is like in school, you learn for the test and not for your self/life.

    While I understand the point about languages, I'm not fan of it at all. Everything here is in English, if you want to play on the server you need to find a way to get along on your own. If we would start translating the rules we would need different chats for each language, support in the languages, the forums in the languages.... The rules are on the website and can easily copied into a translator. In the end, it is again the character of the player, his imagination of the world, how to treat others and how to behave. Rules don't change this general behavior.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
    Mijikai and Lawmonark like this.
  6. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    I don't want to be the detractor to this but, how many times a month do you check I have read and accept the terms and conditions without actually reading them? We make players type /acceptrules and infact you have to type /rules1 etc before you can even accept them. Our rules are for the most part about giving common courtesy to one another. If someone doesn't already provide common courtesies then odds are playing a game to learn how to do it isn't going to change that.
  7. Moorian

    Moorian Well-Known Member

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    I loved the "filter system" on the old ultimate server!
    A system like that on ultimate would be awesome on the current MyM network.
    But the new system should be only 1/4 the difficulty as the ultimate one because we have a huge playerbase and a lot of the players have not the age to pass trough the real hard questions like on the old ultimate server.
    And it should not be as buggy as on the ultimate server.^^
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    if a greifer joins hell speed through the questions and ignore them (btw: first non staff member to post under this thread!)
  9. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    when rules change, is it possible to reset the "read" flag, so everyone must read the new rules. I know sometimes the rules and banned items change since I have read them, and I have no idea they are changed.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    We already did reset the read flag if we changed something
  11. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    If a person is ignoring the rules and only accepting them to be able to get on and grief, then they deserve to be banned.

    That said, after joining several of the servers, I basically skim through the rules list to see what the Raid/pvp rules for the server are. The only rules I seem to even remember are "No profanity" and "Raiding is not allowed/only allowed in the Nether."
    JacaRoe likes this.
  12. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    you could have something simple like a timer on the rules accept such as you cant do it until ten seconds after you do /rules to make sure you have read them, I have seen this on 3 vanilla servers would assure that non griefers would know the rules, also some rules such as no AFK machines are not show ingame but are considered obvious and lumped in with exploits, which can be confusing if you havent read them on the forums
    not sure how I should vote because I do think it should be changed, just not in the way you are suggesting
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The problem is still, if you don't want to read them, you won't read them. No matter if there is a timer or not. I would be more for a tutorial path with griefprevention...
    SilentBane and JacaRoe like this.
  14. JacaRoe

    JacaRoe Well-Known Member

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    I believe the link provided when you first use the shovel does give a brief tutorial of the shovel's use. But I sought out more YouTube videos to find extra information. They're somewhat spread out and can be hard to find, so to have an actual tutorial for that is an excellent idea.

    As far as the rules go, I've always felt we're not asking players to do anything that's not common sense. Anything further than that is detailed in /rules via the chat or at Rules - MineYourMind 5.0 - even some that aren't detailed initially.

    If, after all this information has been provided, someone is intentionally breaking the rules to the extent that we must take action against them, a tempban should give them a wakeup call. If we end up having to permanently ban them then, it's probably for the best.

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