Done Outdated Filter

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Xx_James, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. Xx_James

    Xx_James New Member

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    After a slightly heated debate today about the filter id like to make some suggestions to.... keep the peace

    If anyone has more suggestions of words to ban, or unban, please comment below.

    the following words are banned, and for unjust reasons

    'Gay' - hey, same sex marriage is legalised, I have gay friends both on and off server and none are offended by this word, some people, believe it or not, are proud to be gay, they even have this big fancy parade and everything. I think banning this word is not at all needed and could even be seen as discrimination.

    (if I can edit the forum later I will add suggestions and reasons)

    the following words are not banned and they probably should be

    'Crap' - this is a curse word used for anything from poop to just meaning bad. If the words mentioned above such as 'Gay' are banned I believe this is a more offensive word and can be used in a much more damaging way.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Gay can be used as a homophobic term and @Moderator please move this thread to the suggestions and feedback section so that it's in the right place
  3. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    Regarding the "debate" on inf2 main chat - We have the filters in place because this a family oriented environment. There are small children playing on these servers. Discussions of religion, sexuality, or other "adult" topics need to be in /msg - NOT over main chat. Moderators have final say, and the authority and support of higher staff members to enforce their say - please respect them. If you have problems, you are free at any time to make a post in the Private Complaints section - only admins, the director, and the founders have access to this forum, so your complaints will go directly to us.

    That said, thank you for letting us know about these short-comings, we'll be correcting them shortly. :)
    ItsNora_, BetaPetey and Slind like this.
  4. Xx_James

    Xx_James New Member

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    while I respect the staffs authority and agree with little kids not seeing the F, S, C etc words, youre saying small children are either oblivious or should not know about sexuality or that not everyone is straight. if these are yours and the staffs opinions then
    Buddhism (and the gods names)
    and all words affiliated with religion and sexuality MUST be banned to not cause discrimination.
    if all words associated with sexuality and religion are banned no one would have an issue, however all the words I have listed are not banned.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    these words are not commonly used and the ARGUMENTS about religion are banned in chat
  6. FrostBite450

    FrostBite450 New Member

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    I agree with Xx_james, You are either trying to discriminate against these types of sexualities, or its being a uneducated decision, You should ban "Transexual" "transgender" "bisexual" aswell[DOUBLEPOST=1436662954][/DOUBLEPOST]And you would be wrong, Allah is used in a negative manner very commonly.
  7. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    I am saying it is not YOUR place to expose them to these words or concepts - that's their parents job.

    You agreed to follow our rules when you started playing on our servers, and part of those rules clearly state that staff on scene have final say. Due to technical limitations, we cannot possibly ban all the words that we'd like to - it's just not possible, and foolishly irrational to expect such a thing. This is part of the reason we have moderators in game - their human judgement is far, far superior to a flat regex search.

    Let me reiterate - The filter does not catch everything. The filter CANNOT catch everything. Moderators can more accurately assess a situation than a script, and if they tell you to move a conversation to private channels, you are expected to listen, and understand that they are not doing it to assault you, but to keep the environment clean and family friendly. You are expected to obey not just the letters of the rules, but the SPIRIT of the rules.
  8. FrostBite450

    FrostBite450 New Member

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    So if the whole 2 servers are talking about the matter how do we go about PMING then?, You cant
  9. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    I honestly don't care how you do it - Just keep it off of main chat. This is Minecraft, and NOONES sexuality or religion or political beliefs have any business over main chat.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  10. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    There is the option to join a separate channel to the main chat that only other people who join the same channel can see (well that and Sr. Mods+ who always see everything!), the problem is we dont have the commands to change chat channel well documented (even I can't remember them off hand and can't look them up right now) so almost none of the current playerbase knows about them.

    I think it's something like /ch join <name> but you'll have to test that yourself to find out.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
  11. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    There is also /party
  12. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    The word "gay" is banned because people use it as a derogatory term and while some people don't take offence when it is used in that way, others do.

    "Crap" isnt banned because its one of the most commonly used and argued word when players are raging after a death or other reasons and there isnt much offense that comes when thats used it a derogatory term

    All the words we have added to the filter list has specifically been thought about and whether it can be used derogatorily or not, there may be a few missing from the list, but suggestions to add are always welcome
  13. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  14. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Heres An idea Why not ban Every word in Chat No more problems EVER Right? No?

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