Info Agrarian Skies (1.6) and B-Team downscale involving reset and the purge event :)

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Local Time:
    9:17 PM
    Due to the decreasing interest in the 1.6.4 Packs Agrarian Skies and B-Team we are going to downscale them to one server each. The downscale includes a reset due to the age of the servers. (Agrarian Skies worlds are +1 year old oO) On top there will be a purge event on B-Team where everyone is welcome to.

    The Purge B-Team will be used for a Purge Event across the entire weekend. There will be kits for non B-Team players so everyone can join and take part. More information about the event here and with details on Thursday. So prepare your self, build defenses against invaders and stock up your weaponry.
    New Server The new single servers already up. So you don't need to wait a few days. They are available at: up up

    ("-new" will be removed once the the simple addresses free up)
    Hard-Reset As always it will be a hard reset. That means inventories, MyM's, Claims.. will not carry over.
    Base Download Those that would like to continue on their islands/bases in single player or on their own server are welcome to request a base download during the next 2 weeks. To request please comment below with the following information:
    Server name:
    World name:
    Coordinates (center):
    Player names:
    Will be sent out in bulk once a week.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
    Chetwynd, JacaRoe, joices and 3 others like this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:17 PM
    slind, nice job, you posted 4 of these ;)
  3. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    4:17 PM
    purge on b-team guess its time to have fun and defend my old base :D
  4. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    1:17 PM
    Yay more space for 1.7 packs xD

    "Cross its fingers its Beyond Reality Divergence" :p
  5. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    3:17 PM
    Oh this will be fun. Time to return to my Roots
  6. Tomilixak

    Tomilixak Member

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    9:17 PM
    server name: Agrarian skyes 1
    World name: skyblock (overworld)
    Coordinates: X29818 Y71 Z-21727
    Player name: Tomilixak
    Is there a way to transfer it to new server?
    I rly want to play on ur server but when i lose my month progress... I even bought a premium r2 to support this server and this is what i get? a wipe?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
  7. lagerbooost

    lagerbooost Well-Known Member

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    9:17 PM
    This is hogwash ... you will loose 80 % of your players just because of this ... and if it lags that bad now - then it wouldnt be playable if all the players are on 1 server (by: lagerbooost - agrarian 1 )
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2015

    ESKIMOND1 New Member

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    Local Time:
    3:17 PM
    server name: Agrarian skyes 3
    World name: skyblock (overworld)
    Coordinates: X27964 Y70 Z-4347
    Player name: ESKIMOND1

    I would really like my world to be transferred to the new server.... and I would like a copy if possible
  9. Melenman

    Melenman Well-Known Member

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    9:17 AM
    Server name: Agrarian Skies 2nd
    World name: skyblock (overworld)
    Coordinates (center-ish): x:17214 y:86 z:25368
    Player names: Melenman

    Thanks Guys
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
  10. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    8:17 PM
    Firstly, please watch you language as EVERYONE can see your post, secondly this won't drop the player count it will, in time, cause it to rise. If the new servers are up and running and less laggy players will be more likely to 'upvote' the server causing it to have a higher popularity which in turn will allow more people to find the server and thus the player count will rise.
  11. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I edited that for you, please do not swear even using asterisks in place of letters as that is still against the rules..

    To be honest with you, I've been with MyM for well over a year now and in that time I've witnessed a fair few map resets or even modpacks being shut down completely, and every time we get angry players threatening to stop playing on our network and telling us we are going to lose loads of players because of it, and guess what... it never holds true, the majority of current players will still go and play on the new map even if they aren't particularly happy about it at first but then in time they'll start to enjoy playing again and everything goes back to normal, and for every player that does quit because of the reset there are literally dozens more new players who will show up in the following weeks to take their place.

    Frankly you 1.6.4 agrarian players are lucky that we still consider it worth hosting a server for you at all given that we have a newer 1.7.10 agrarian skies 2 server that we could ask people to move over to instead!
    Mijikai likes this.
  12. RuleOfRed

    RuleOfRed New Member

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    7:17 AM
    Are you referring to Agrarian Skies 2?
  13. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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  14. RuleOfRed

    RuleOfRed New Member

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    I'm not a fan of Agrarian Skies 2 myself. I'm glad it has botania but not much else.
    I'm really grateful you guys still host the Agrarian Skies 1.6.4 version, There aren't many server out there that do and actually have a functioning party system (I've had to drop out of a lot because it just didn't work in co-op)
    But like you said there are people who are really unhappy about resets and wipes. Slind is offering people's base downloads to continue on in single player, but for the people who really want to keep their base in multiplayer, would it really be too difficult to replace a bare island with their base so they can carry on?
  15. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Difficult, no, time-consuming, VERY...

    Say it takes about 10 minutes to move one island over and adjust the appropriate region info and homepoint data etc (trust me when I say that a transfer of a specific island is waaaay more complicated than simply offering a batch of island downloads).. now say we have 100+ players across the 3 current servers who all want their islands moving over and suddenly that is 1000+ minutes (over 16 hours) of work that the admins would have to put in to do that!
  16. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    9:17 PM
    On the lag : It will be the opposite, well at least for some weeks.
    On the playerbase loose : The decrease has allready happened, thats why the servers merge. Usually fresh server starts tend to draw players in that didnt want to start on an overbuild old server with set economy.
  17. Tomilixak

    Tomilixak Member

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    9:17 PM
    And isn't that your job? make stuff for players?(ATM u got only 3 ppl who want the save) I put real Money and my time in your servers and this is what I get?
  18. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    8:17 PM
    FYI none of the staff on this network are paid in any way, so no it is not our "job", we're busy enough with everything else that we already do here out of our own free time.

    For the record, the money you put into our servers was not wasted on your part, the perks that you bought will still be there on the new map if you choose to play on it.. if you decide to leave the network because of this reset then you're the one abandoning those perks... and the time you already put into the old map wasn't really wasted either since you are being offered a download of your island so you can continue in single player if you want to, or even host it on a server yourself if you want to continue playing with a group of people who you're currently in a party with... demanding the best of both worlds by insisting that we let you transfer your island to the new server is a bit ungrateful on your part to say the least.. and saying that we should do it because there are only 3 people who want it ATM is redundant because if we agree to do it for a couple of people now then many more will start lining up to ask for it too, and so then we would have to do it for all of them as well.

    Also please don't keep saying "this is what I get?".. this is nothing to do with you specifically is it? this is what everyone is getting regardless of how much time or money they have put in... The fact is that all of our maps are closed down eventually, that's just how it is.. even this new agrarian map isn't guaranteed to run indefinitely.. in fact I would guess it will be up for 6-12 months at most, and then it too will be retired to make way for new servers running newer modpacks.
    Ksparlor, PoorlySquare080 and Mijikai like this.
  19. RuleOfRed

    RuleOfRed New Member

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    7:17 AM
    Fair enough. I imagine you all have other things to do aside from fussing over a server decreasing in players. Thanks anyways :3
    chaosblad3 likes this.
  20. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:17 PM
    this is false, they have done resets in the past, and the things that have actually made them lose that many players were the hidden resets, the resets where we didn't know it would happen, because we all started out nearly the exact same time and were just like "what the heck is going on" and then nearly half the players left, but then alot more joined, you don't want to play it's your fault, it's more fun to start fresh with everyone else, find a team, go have some fun
    PoorlySquare080 likes this.

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