Done Claim Rules/Issue

Discussion in 'Tekkit Legends' started by DarthCaetano, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. DarthCaetano

    DarthCaetano New Member

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    9:59 AM
    Hello guys,

    I want to claim a part of land next to a player. We live in an unofficial town, living next to each other and I built some roads around the houses and a garden and stuff. In some parts of his claim, I seem to be allowed to claim the blocks just next to another player's claim, but in other cases I can only set a corner 8 blocks a way and in another side it even reaches 14 blocks away.

    My questions are:
    - Are there any limitation to how close we can claim land near other people's claims?
    - If so, how can the proximity with which I can claim varies by the side of the claim I am referring?

    By the way, I need to do this because someone had fun grieving one of the roads for no apparent reason. Also, can you please tell me where I can check the server's grieving rules or if destroying these unclaimed roads can be considered grieving and, therefore, the players may be punished by an admin/moderator?

    Thank you!
  2. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    10:59 AM
    As far as i know there is no limitation on how close you can claim next another person (even though there is kinda a unwritten rule that you should do it 3 chunks away, to respect other people needs to expand and such)

    I have no idea why it would wary on how close you can claim next to another person, maybe another one can answer that.

    you can find the rules here, and i can ensure that all griefing, unprotected and protected is punishable, so if you can post the coords to the road i will tag a moderator to look into the grief @Moderator

    Have a good day
    DarthCaetano likes this.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    ProtectEx blocks the use of some tools at a 20 block range. Hence I would recommend staying above those 20 blocks to avoid tool usage issues for your self and neighbor. On the latest servers this distance is being forced.
    DarthCaetano likes this.
  4. DarthCaetano

    DarthCaetano New Member

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    9:59 AM
    Thank you for your answers.

    To pizzaluc: the coordenates are -12, -182, 63 Tekkit Legends. I will be online :)! I also wondered if the road that was griefed could have been a moderator removing it because it was too close to spawn or something similar that could go against the rules. Is this possible?

    To Slind: Ok, so there is now way I can now claim the areas I talked about, even as an exception? We are already 3 or 4 players really near each other, even though 2 of them haven't logged in for a week! I feel like I should have made myself mayor of the space first and then allow players to come. Now its a bit late :(!

    Thank you!
  5. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    If these players dont login for 14 days, You can create a ticket to get the claims removed and the claim regened.[DOUBLEPOST=1447100057][/DOUBLEPOST]Has anyone been to see your grief issue yet? Or would you like me to come have a look?[DOUBLEPOST=1447102382,1447099597][/DOUBLEPOST]This was sorted by Me, @CommonExplosion and @PhantomRTW
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
    DarthCaetano likes this.
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    You would need to trust each other on the claims or create one claim with sub claims but both can make it possible to grief.
  7. Tabsz

    Tabsz Well-Known Member

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    4:59 AM
    I thought the claims auto... depreicated? after 14 days....
    At least on DW20 one of the people sharing my claim received a message the claim would expire in 6 days
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:59 AM
    They do on the latest servers. If it says that in /rules they get auto deleted.

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