Comments on Profile Post by alfiealfie

  1. Adrianfish
    lol first pokemon game i played was emerald but not with mudkip :)
    Nov 4, 2015
  2. alfiealfie
    First off, inception avoided

    Secondly, That was the first videogame i ever owned, played it on the GBA, loved it to bits, my starter... a mudkip
    Nov 4, 2015
  3. Adrianfish
    it was a fun game but i chose torchic and since i didnt know much about pokemon when we was lvl 100 he had doble kick, ember and some other bad attacks
    Nov 4, 2015
  4. alfiealfie
    you.. you disgust me
    Nov 4, 2015
  5. Adrianfish
    hey i got a mdkip skin does that count for anything?
    Nov 4, 2015
  6. alfiealfie
    you are slightly redeemed, slightly, mudkip easier to rain, and higher defence, and can take much more of a beating from elite for
    Nov 4, 2015