Comments on Profile Post by pndragon65

  1. CheshireLill
    What's in the mailbox o_ o?
    Aug 26, 2015
  2. pndragon65
    Open the mailbox. Inside the mailbox is a letter.
    Aug 26, 2015
  3. CheshireLill
    OOOOOOooooo what's in the letter O_ O I MUST KNOW
    Aug 26, 2015
  4. pndragon65
    Have you ever played the text game Zork or Adventure? If you haven't, they were a text game written by 3 students at MIT and were included in the software for the DEC PDP line of mainframes. I first played it on a mainframe (God, I'm old!) but a modified version is pre-installed as a part of the ComputerCraft mod.
    Aug 26, 2015
  5. CheshireLill
    lol no I have not.
    Aug 26, 2015