yeah decided to test out the new anarchy server as soon as i get whitelisted lol. also had nothing else to do really so meh
Secretly a potato
I agree that this is an experimental server and understand the rules/warnings
Okay it wasn't on my screen before that's why I asked
Can someone close this?
Well then I won't press that button again
Hmm I didn't crash this time._. Thats weird I crashed 50 times when I tried to join yesterday but I could join now._.
Lemme check
Well it doesn't really crash me it just kicks Mr the second I try to login so I don't think I get an crash report for it
The button that opens the portal at spawn(sorry for the delayed response my Internet went down yesterday)
I pressed the shiny button at spawn and now I get kicked if I try to log in for some reason...
yeah happens to me to sun scorned is horrible
yeah no ik i only said i liked the sound of it but yeah optimizing our base would probably be the best
i like the sound of option 3 the most
ctacuk said that admins at the time had given him clearance
ctacuk clearly stated thatmhe had permission to wipe our base of the server if he thought it was necessary
automated forestry is still better than industrial apiaries but i do get your point
alvearies arent even close to as bad as iapiaries
lemme correct you on one thing u can have alot more apiaries/alvearys just that u can only have 10 industrial ones since they and other gendustry...
hmm weird
Separate names with a comma.