Pov: Me attacking the thread and making 1st comment. [IMG]
hmmm... I always thought who is this Ereh guy? His nickname sounds familiar but I could swear I never saw a guy... PS When I bought giftcode...
aawwww man... I wanted to mark it as done *sad face* Nonetheless thx for fixing it - when i reinstalled the pack WITH itempsychis pack launched...
Its the same problem as I had with Texkit3 a while ago - deselecting additional mod (ItemPsychic) makes the launcher dont download all the mods bc...
That problem occurs many times! And once again its CreativeCore mod! That is why I asked if you had an optional mods selected in the launcher....
You dont know my pain! On certain vote site you can see the vote count! I AM NOT FIRST THERE!! Then how I am first? [IMG]
Those deadlines sounds like final update to terraria. Theres another one.
Yay! Like always you can count on Aido! Thanks, I didnt knew theres special java argument for MyM launcher. Nice try Booker, maybe im not into...
Hello there! I have problem with launching Direwolf20, I searched a little about this problem and reinstalled my javas and few other stuff that...
Good job me, for best voting this month! Also 1st comment on TWoM so no longer, someone will worry about me ;p Happy holidays for Polish and...
Server opens for everone just as I recovered Patron Tier 3?!? [IMG] EDIT. [IMG] I vote so hard i have double Patron!!! Yay! \_0_/
wonder if I be able to run the pack EDIT. Does patron passes will apply on this pack too?
And I lost my Patron 3 this month... and its the long holiday in Poland combined with this weekend (International worker's day 1st may, 2nd May is...
Ngl its funny beacause it was reseted and updated in March.
I am utterly sorry for my lack of usual 1st comment. Recent circumstances that are beyond my control are not favorable to mine presence on forum...
Some world have disabled /rtp because safety reasons. Especially Twilight Forest is perfect example of. Do you really want be to tp'ed to area you...
Iirc land and water mobs have different/separate caps in vanilla, idk how EntityControl deal with it. Also there isnt the command /kit animals...
Yes, thank you very much for answering. Could we get the umm... list of confrimed stuff that will be 100% in vanilla server, like it will be on...
Since our Community Coordinator told me vanilla is still a thing, I came up with some more suggestions! Changing the title of thread to "Vanilla...
YAS! Im 1st once again! And one last thing. @dubhnoir how long you will copy/paste the "Vanilla 1.18.2 Server Suggestions" in Threads-to-watch...
Separate names with a comma.