I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, I couldn't find a General Bug Report topic. Please move if necessary. Anyway, Adventure Backpacks will...
Alright, thanks for the info guys. I understand how hard it can be to be staff :P Also, somewhat of a bug I've noticed as a result: items in the...
Server is still going down constantly. Happened at least 30 times yesterday, and seems to be continuing today. Any new info on what may be causing...
Yeah this is still a problem, it happens after every server restart. The other problem with this is that they lose their inventories when being...
Okay. I'll re-post here if it causes problems again.
Ahh. Okay. Whell that is still a temp fix so if a permanent one could be reached somehow that would really be helpful
Update: Temp. Fixed, my friends left the island by killing themselves and re-joined, however this DOES consume lives so a fix would be appreciated
They've been invited to the island.. they're part of it, they just can't DO anything on it now.. Like we were all playing fine last night, but now...
So my friends and I started and Island last night (I am the owner) and we were all doing stuff just fine, however when I got on this afternoon,...
Is Regrowth in danger of being reset soon? I'm just starting it so I want to know in case it's going to be. I just started on Infinity about a...
I can indeed vouch for Toxidious, he has been playing minecraft longer than I, and is very responsible about following rules.
Please whitelist me :D This mod-pack looks REALLY awesome I've got like 8d+ time and no rule infractions as far as I know. In my eyes raiding is...
Oh awesome, I might do that eventually.
For building the gym, are we able to build it on the MyM server, or no?
Ah, that's too bad. Well, alright then thanks guys. I suppose I'll just stick to TDT for now and wait for a more stable version of AM2 to be put...
Oh it does? Sweet.. Only thing problem I could see with that is that MYG looks like it takes a while to progress, so all the AM2 resources might...
Man, that sucks. I don't think MyM currently has any modpacks that run AM2 =/
Does anyone know if the Direwolf20 Pack will eventually include more mods, (Specifically for me, AM2)? I've been wanting to do AM2 for ages but...
Alright, no big deal. I had no idea about the subdivide stuff, thanks for the info Cbro, and thanks for the quick response, SirWilli.
This would not replace the Golden Shovel protection system, just works along-side it.
Separate names with a comma.