ust gona say this again so you guys dont forget, you should update this post>>>Info - Automatic Farmworld Resets | MineYourMind Community its outdated
the upkeep is how much ticket it costs you/minute
otherwise if worldedit and worldguard are on the server, admins could try to deny spawns in regions set at the pillars and see if that would...
''Discussion in 'BevosTechPack' started by TimH3000, Today at 10:48 AM.'' The post about resets needs to be updated, it only states that planets...
tried ''moving'' the crystals? try sending then into the void using teleporters or other things
its written under bteam, dont know why they havent corrected that yet.
Info - Automatic Farmworld Resets | MineYourMind Community
update java/graphic drivers also a crash-report or launcher log would be usefull to know what's actually going on.
[IMG] [SPO!LER]put words here[/SPO!LER]
you can right click your grave with an empty hand to break it
got an actuall crash log? this looks more like a console log than anything.
Also tokens do follow you on every mym server, but myms dont, just pointing it out so you know.
you can use mym to change chunk biomes using /is biome, chunkloading tickets let you chunkload your island, place down an iron/gold block(gold...
You shouldnt mark things as solved unless thay are reported by the player as such, but thats just my opinion.
did this start happening after a server restart and were you using /xu_powersharing ? because power sharing gets reset after server restarts,...
might be worthwile to investigate the erebus on that server though, it sounds like hes dying from fall damage when he goes in the erebus
i think the pack also has botania, Meaning you can make a orechid and if you are lucky you might get quite a bit of electrotine that way.
were you using schematica to build? this can happen sometimes if you are too far away when it tries to place a block, relogging usually fixes...
mym will not add mods/plugins unless they are absolutely needed.
Wasnt a reciepe added for his/her drops before? Or am i missing something.
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