A: A really bad, forced meme (Just like every other 2016-2017 meme IMHO) Q: Do you like Transformers?
You could probably do it client side.
So, I'm sure you already know the whole "MineYourMinders" or "MyMers" thing, but I want to suggest a different way of addressing us as a group...
I thought they don't add any mods to the pack?
I personally trash can it as I'm "Environmentally (Server TPS) friendly!"
I'm the first one on the Expert server, come join me! infinity-normal.mym.li infinity-expert.mym.li
Just updating, vote link 5 leads back to the voting page. Link 7 website is down.
Can't wait!
Link 7: https://ftb-infinity-servers.com/server/2/mym-ftb-infinity-serve
Small question, is the 30 second cooldown for rtp also a fix for lag because I'm sure it wasn't a thing before.
Curry IMO is a good way to bring out the flavour.
Oh boy... you won't like this. First off, MyM has a STRICT no refund policy. Neither do they have any sort of entity deletion. Second, what...
Potaetoe or Potahtoe?
FTB Ultimate 1.4.7... no such thing as fastcraft I did a quick google on this topic (Maybe you have doen so too) as I don't have ea lot of time...
Something just crashed the server twice in a row.Not sure who or what as this is immediately after second crash. Will update if a third occurs.
Yes. Yes. All of the yes.
Mai, what impeccable timing! Mah name is Fiddlefuurd McGuckit and ah say this wolf is a god send! Seriously though, some days after we think...
If Magic fanatics fall under the "Wierdos" category, what about MagiTechnicians?
To all the worried people out there, I tested the pack with my old potato of a pc that runs on a bloody AMD R3 card that's so old it isn't even...
Otherwise it's too easy
Separate names with a comma.