As an individual with FAR too much time on his hands and a tendancy to get bored real quickly (Damn you unfinished ardentcraft), SIGN ME UP!
Good for cooling off after a tense game of Tilted by my teammates Overwatch Competitive... Much better than spotify and Ardentcraft. I'll support...
When you get your first machine FeelsGoodMan
I'm drunk... is it possible to get drunk on tea? Whatevs, too tired for this. Mother of god indeed... I wonder how mad I'll get if Booker were...
I don't get what you guys are complaining about. I got 16 iron on my first night :) Also Booker, appreciate the work you've been doing. I'll...
I do believe this was intended? At least that's what I thought when I played. Got on just fine.
No no, please, take your time. Real life stuff > A weird virtual reality. Always. Besides, I'm finding the slower pace to be... quite fine. More...
I played with this one a while back... is it still as buggy as I remember?
Oh right, sorry bout that, forgot to explain. Basically, those aqua creepers bypass mob griefing so they destroy blocks no matter what, we're...
So after quite a bit of playing, I have come to the conclusion that this modpack is NOT server friendly, At least not for the feint of heart. The...
Oh thank god no BoP. Also, I didn't do much testing just generated 5 BoP worlds and 5 vanilla worlds. BoP lags everytime. As for what Brandon...
Whatever you do DO NOT use BOP for the server. Everytime I use it I end up with a ton of lag. Blocks don't break, chunks don't render, etc. In...
Check, check and... check! Alright now what?What better timing. Fall sick on school day so I have a whole two days (today and tomorrow) to be your...
Gun-geons (Dungeons with guns for loot) to explore, shields to deplay and sword to swing, oh what an interesting world if only we had such a mod...
Something that doesn't bore me in the first 30 minutes due to repetitive and easy things or riduculously hard to the point of bull things? Yes...
As someone who has never been part of a staff community or anything higher than "That guy who gives decent suggestions in the cess pool of 8 year...
You wanna know the best joke of the century? Dead/forced/not in anyway shape or form funny memes. (FOR GODS SAKE "CASH ME OUTSIDE" IS GONNA MAKE...
Because 1.10.2 does not have the rank plugin ported. FeelsBadMan
Quality over quantity. Gud stuff.
Separate names with a comma.