If you really need to solve an equation, just use external tools like wolframalpha.com.
--SNIP-- Screw that, I misread the error message. This looks more like a firewall or antivirus problem to me. Are you able to connect to other...
Also, ItemPhysic appears to be the problem here. Please try redownloading the modpack ('Hard force update' in the mym launcher) AFAIK...
Looks like some mod file may be damaged/missing. Which launcher are you using?
Your crash log is gone. Is this resolved?
What excactly o you mean by objective? I can definetely understand you, but I usually solve this by planning out a giant build project and then...
The mojang servers are down. See Minecraft Status · Is Minecraft Down? Nothing we can fix.
If turning off antivirus solved it, that is the simple explanation. Your antivirus thinks one of the files is a virus and breaks it. Nothing you...
Looks like it's failing to render a block from the architecture mod. This might have multiple issues. First of all, please force update the...
Please use spoilers or pastebin for long logs/crash reports. Otherwise, this looks pretty hard to solve since there is no java code in the trace....
Can you please give us the whole crash-report? Otherwise we cannot properly solve your issue.
Seems to be a broken genetics item in the vending machine. Guess @Junior Administrator will need to remove it.
Please try to reinstall java.
Yeah, most older programs do really bad with DPI scaling (Also, the launcher looks really ugly with it, but I guess it's bearable as long as you...
Is there no option to set the primary screen on windows 10?
Hmm might be that windows 10 has weird special stuff there. I'm using a very similar sceen setup, but my laptop screen is still active. I had all...
hmm... what operating system do you have?
I guess your laptop screen has 720p?
Do you have multiple monitors?Also, if that's not the case, please try out if the same happens with other launchers.
Reinstall your java, it seems to be broken
Separate names with a comma.