Slind/SirWill/Lucid could give a better answer to this. Stuff like: Third-party bots/programs Server plugins/mods Live updates from...
Discord currently has a lack of integration, unlike slack :)
TIP: The Lucid is a lie! [IMG]
There are some banned items you can obtain for crafting purposes as the usage of the item is banned. But other than those items there should be no...
Is honourable member supposed to supersede well-known because I have the achievement yet I'm classed as well-known under my name. Just curious :)
There may be a starter kit. /ekit starter. Some servers have had it before but I can't remember which xD
The server will have the same mods (minus the client side only ones) as the client so yes it will be removed with the update :) All blocks placed...
In most cases the grave should spawn on a block of dirt, that's what the 'void fix' option in the config does. This is assuming you're dying in...
Moving the base up with world edit would probably cause more issues than it would solve. A possible option is to use the move feature on the...
Don't forget the bans chugga [IMG]
What are you doing a few hours prior and up to when the lag spikes happen?
That normally happens when the client comes close to the RAM limit you have set. 4GB is the ideal amount. Only restarting your client will fix it.
Just needs fly enabled in the ^_^
Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core, GeForce GTX 980 4GB Twin Frozr (2-Way SLI), 750D ATX Full Tower - System Build - PCPartPicker United Kingdom This...
After 2 way SLI there is no point really, as it doesn't scale as well. I don't even use mine much tbh, most games I either don't need it or the...
Try force updating your client. Seems to be corrupt/mismatching config.
Use a hopper.
What happened to the no swearing rule...?
Probably an issue with the meta data on the scanner.
Disable OpenGL in the minecraft options menu. If it's not that then fully reinstall the pack if you haven't done already. Also updating Java...
Separate names with a comma.