The slack previously had it so it would pick up the words without the ! But it became too spammy so every trigger word needs the ! In front of it...
There may be plugins out there that will allow it, but it would most likely cause more issues then there already is as it would need to be...
There is a lot or reasons why your post is correct, but there is more reasons as to why your post is incorrect and filled with incorrect...
I'm guessing the issue that is happening is the one that makes the dragon un-killable because a crystal is unable to be destroyed ?
Infinity will most likely receive an update when the skyblock version comes out so that they are up to date with each other. So it may be worth...
Have you tried allowing container access to public, that way anybody can use the chests etc. but only trusted users can build there. just do...
You really hadn't looked very hard for any information lordfungi because with a google that took me two seconds I found this Affinity Tomes - Ars...
Creativerse has been on steam in early access for maybe a year now or a little less, its not new by any means :P And it it highly similar to...
All the ips are also located here - Server Ip’s — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation
The mod is purely client side, everything it does it does with the client not the server. If installed on a server though it forces the clients to...
Vanilla things like dungeons/mine shafts are hard coded into the game and can't be turned off.
./mc reload ;) restart isnt needed to whitelist it ;)
Oh didnt see that, the issue then is that an admin will need to whitelist the mod to be allowed on the server as its a client side mod and...
Yep had just seen that, and was coming to edit my post before you ninja'd me ;)
The issue is that you have added a mod called "Neat" and from a quick google of the mod its only got a 1.8.9 version which is most likely why you...
I believe it was disabled just like on galactic science because some of the rewards if combined with your partners rewards would allow you to...
Theres probably a CommandHelper script that could be written to keep a Sanguimancy tank at full capacity instead of adding mods for a server side...
The creative tanks are more of a server aspect to the pack, you need to think more about single player and how those mods will affect the overall...
It's not really been abandoned just more on the back burner I expect, although sirwill seems to have been updating caithleen's packs recently....
Separate names with a comma.