You can solve them not knowing what the shovel is for etc. by having a tip that appears saying like "Need a new claim's shovel ? then do /tools to...
It did used to, i dont think theres even a link to the irc anymore
Wouldn't work due to the way the mod is coded, it would be looking for the outerlands dimension in the overworld folder rather then the farmworld
Issue was fixed in V0.8.2 of the mod but the modpack doesnt have the updated version. @MaelstromPhoenix will need to update the pack
A copy of the crash report would be helpful to see if its being caused by another mod or something
its from the voxelmenu mod that comes installed when using the mym launcher, theres a very low chance to get that image though
Wouldnt work either, the way that the bases are removed is a script to regen the area basically. But the obelsiks are added in after normal world...
Obelisks also arent respawnable because they dont come with the needed auranode when respawned/spawned in creativly
This wouldnt work as each obelisk takes you to a new outerlands area, meaning that the mym portal would either need to use that code or would need...
you create the account here - Join MineYourMind Community on Slack! which is also the chat link above
actually railcraft doesnt have sunstone, it has firestone :P
Firstly your tags were spelt wrong so wouldnt work, secondly there is already an admin and dev thats commented on this post. Thirdly normal...
There isnt a dimlet inscriber in rftools and there isnt one in AE either, AE has an Inscriber and rftools has dimlet scrambler
You owe me years of therapy for that video O.O
are you wearing any armour that gives off light ? or any items near that may place invisible entitys ? try removing amour and anything near it and...
*Correction: Bad AE systems are the worst for that
You might get a quicker return by mentioning it in the support chat - Slack
Admins would never delete your stuff, they would disassemble it and put it in a chest.
Please post your crash report so that staff can find out what is causing your crash
Yeah they will add it to the whitelist, you just need to be patient. Im sure it will get added very shortlyNinja'd by Slind :P
Separate names with a comma.