Open - FTBU????? | MineYourMind Community
FTBU is FTBUtilities, its gets removed from the servers because it causes a lot of issues. An admin just needs to add it to the mod whitelist and...
Also the super builders wand is already craftable, you just need to do the pseudo-inversion ritual. Pseudo-Inversion Sigil Ritual Chest Contents :...
Patience my friend, the time that you had posted it at it the time that hardly any staff are online because they are sleeping or at school/work/or...
So is going straight to the forums using or also bookmarking the forums would solve the issue aswell ;)
The Aether II mod is also super buggy and highly unstable as is quoted on on the mod page.
Before it would get accepted you would need to show proof that you have permission to use all the mods in a modpack from the mod authors. Also a...
Departed wasnt custom, its an FTB pack
It might be a good modpack, but a modpack that large would require a lot of resources and wouldnt be able to have many player slots because of...
Rather then tearing it down, you should just claim it and allow just button access or just chest access but makes you able to prevent players from...
its actually the rendering of the gui of the turret causing the crash
Server Ip’s — MyM-Wiki 0.0.1 documentation << That link is also always up to date on servers versions and ip's
Hypovolemia was never on the same server as ark. Has always been on the production servers, unless its been moved recently then its still on the...
No it was one still connected, timed out and couldnt reconnect until my timed out user had left
I just connected to the ts server and then timed out and couldn't join back because it said i had max number of connections already on the server....
Its a bug on your end :P
I have joined with 1.8 and 1.7 packs and vanilla instances multiple times while setting up and after and never had that issue, there's also no...
Most MyM servers have it so griefing isnt allowed, so unless the server specifically says that griefing is allowed then yes its bannable to steal...
Remove fastcraft and try again, from the crash report it looks like fastcraft is trying to use one of its hooks while rendering a draconic...
It's a permissions bug, you have 9 new posts in a section you don't have access to which is why you are unable to seem them in the feed but still...
Separate names with a comma.