"majority of community" There is your problem. Loud minority on Twitter, yes. But not the majority. Not even close.
Nice job. I wonder whether they ever changed those stats between Minecraft versions.
Changed my vote to yes. Missed the part where this was just about discord roles. Reading comprehension is a skill I guess.
[s]BTeam[/s] Community Coordinator (fake) edit: no strike through bbcode available
My guess would be that you need to migrate your account.
You are missing the option "not your concern". Don't force people to declare anything, there are privacy laws after all.
Spawners only have a certain amount of usages
I lost a bunch of bases to claim resets and then had to run to admins to get my quests reset, so I welcome this idea. This actually ties in to a...
Why? Are you afraid that someone on Twitch might actually catch dragon doing staff work?
I guess that would work as well. I think the coolest solution would actually be something like the Ftb chunk loading where you can just mark...
Yeah I agree my solution is definitely a bit less intuitive.
Why is that so hard to understand, the options would be 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc and you have to put the chunkloader into a specific corner chunk....
Did you even read my post entirely?
Hi, so I was thinking, sometimes I would like to have a base layout that is 2x2 or 4x4 etc, but then loading it via chunkloaders becomes a bit...
Location is pretty close to spawn, I decided to put my base right next to it (for now at least) and maybe eventually add some nice tower for...
Nice pack, I played it over the last weeks on another network. I already posted it in discord, but maybe again here: I recommend to add a...
I think /cm remove already exists, but just needs to be made available to everyone
Usually it is 4 people in a forum thread that push back. The rest might not even care. Also this isn't Murica where I can sue MyM for 50 million...
This so dumb. Who came up with the idea that all perks need to be unchanged for the rest of eternity? Show me where I signed that. I bought my...
Separate names with a comma.