You forget 1.10 is a huge step. There were no major 1.8 1.9 packs everything jumped to 1.10 it takes time to get things done
Creative tanks for 1 mym ;)
Or you could I don't know maybe tell us these players names and upload screenshots so staff could do something about it
Was the cannoN purple? If so /pvp won't help
U would love an updated blastoff
No need to post this twice... but goodjob on finding that
HOW long were u offline for?
DID u /trust [buildcraft]?
I know some things that can be fixed I'll say yes. Although I don't know how to fix all of it.
Are you online.. u can be online in about 40min and I can show u how to do it with extra utilities
Extra utilities advanced item filters can detect it aswellWow those typos... this is why we don't reply to forums at 230 in the morning
That would be nice
Rule 1. Ignorance is no excuse. Also taking from unclamed bases is griefing and you could be banned for that aswell Back on topic I use level...
Can't find it on the github so I can't fix it sorry.
Huh apparently I've been kept in the dark over the last 3 days gtn. My apologies
I would like point out something here... the network DIDNOT tell that perticular person to advertise on mym. Infact the owner has been trying to...
Endo was staff ;)
Yeah.. was the end of my playthrough to
Generik b did good untill the tornado destroyed his house/town
I made 4 of the same time villages app 500 blocks apart for all typesI quit regrowth a while ago if my homes are still there that will help staff out
Separate names with a comma.