In short: teleposition the nodes are not bug, because it is integrated..?
Bound armor is came from Tier 5 altar right? Draconic armors and tools only for the weaks :P Node teleposition is same like chamelon tools on...
You have to make an Tier 4 Blood altar to obtain the teleposition focus, and enchant it to transfer in 3*3*3 blocks. Only different between the...
Pure nodes, change the biom only if it naturaly generated, or spawned in silver wood, after replace(jar or teleposer) it is lost this side...
Ok, thank you, problem solved :)
It is happened again. server is just restarted. and now this is the first message what i got. :(
Is there any bonus on Pure nodes or on tainted nodes?
you can't do tp command while moving (falling) you have to stand still at least 5 secs. I need more then 15 sec untill the game is load......
It is on Infinity servers. I play on Node 5, also experienced on node 1.
Hello. I have bad experience about that plug-in. If someone flying over the void or lava lake, and timed out or crash, he/she don't have enough...
It is a bad rote, i think i/we caused the most of the server crash and issues in galaxy. (soul blazer, osmotich enchanter, kill pigs with grinder,...
now i won't crafted it, and still crashed three more times i see in my console, something wnt wrong with ic2 electric armor device no, conduit...
i already made a topic about that, but now i'm sure not me caused with painter Open - Server crash caused by: painting machine from enderio? |...
After i crafted a painting machine the server is crashed (twice).
There is no lag because there is no players, in the last time only 4-5 players was there. We already moved to Infinity Node 5 there are also no...
UnD3adLegacy also join?
If i not there, speak with Jiraya, he have permission trust so can entrust you.
Because most players affraid from the challenge...:/
Hi gamer :) We are on the Infinity Node 5 if you have mood join us :)
Please someone explain to me, why or how are change the Thaumcraft wood logs? I know it is Silverwood, and if a chop off, it is drop silverwood...
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