As greywolf said, you need to make an appeal at the link he sent. Will lock the thread to stop further replies.
You could try using this mod on the twitch launcher (its the mod we use to fix skins). Overview - Lumy Skin Patch - Mods - Projects - Minecraft...
The fixes have been outlined, and if they didn't work you might have missed a step along the line. You could try a full reinstall of the MyM...
On 1.6.4 skins were obtained by an API that mojang depreciated a while ago. On our launcher we have it configured to get skins from the new API to...
As outlined above, this happens when Java cannot load the mincraft jar. Could you try using another launcher like the Twitch launcher?
You should be good now. Please note that we experienced a crash again after replacing the block that needed to be removed, so please do not...
Alright. Reply here again with your log if you change your mind
@Decnav Just tagging to see if we can get a copy of the log to investigate further.
@AgentMadelor mind letting us know if what Dragon states helps with the problem? ~Colin
Hey there, As this matter is out of our hands and we have fixed all we can, I'm gonna mark this as done. Thanks for your questions/concerns! ~Colin
I seem to have no issues crafting it on on the server. Make sure you are shift + right clicking the altar with the Resonating Wand to start the...
I had played on it with an old account in 2013 ish. Didn't get far before getting destroyed in the spawn and quitting out of frustration (me being...
Hey there, The message about max perm size is not an error, it is just a message that happens to everyone when they launch minecraft so it can...
This is the killing a thread song clap clap Still ideas to discuss folks :)
Realistically, adding more ranks based on achievements would be a better idea due to the formula used to calculate playtime requirements. Adding...
Not sure how viable this is. We'd have some people that would make it impossible to rank up for new players by AFKing forever and making the first...
Marked done :)
We already have improved kits available. Unfortunately we cannot give upgrades like that to patrons over normal players as that would give you an...
Like wynd said its really outdated so its probably not going to be considered.
Should be all good. ~Colin
Separate names with a comma.