Its been pretty good :) Aside from some conflict between players, nothing has changed
While we're in discussion about the market, why does it cost myms to put something on the market, and then the market gets a cut when the item is...
I've only really seen player shops on prison servers, though I don't see why they couldn't work on a normal one
What kind of capes? Like the Minecon capes, but with the MYM logo or somthing in it. If anything I think one with Slind's profile pic would look...
Xerneas is my least fav legendary. Suicune is just awesome xD
Now that I think about it, everything was pretty easy as long as you were leveled right. And happened to have a sylveon tank :3
Had to be more than that O_o with all the diolouge and stuff
I'm to tired for forum posts, just imagine everything after the pic isnt a quote
"Wow! You and your pokemon's power levels are incredible! They're over 9,000 for sure!"
Lol xD I might play the Ratchet and Clank series next… should be fun.
An Epilepcy warning would be great now that the joke is over. Sorry for the bold, I have no idea how to turn it off.(option isn't even selected)
Been replaying pokemon X recenty. Noticed this
PS4; cheaper, better exclusives, and superier hareware. This sway your opinion?
Welcome back Chet :) Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Tapatalk test. Ignore Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Too many mobs in an area causes villagers to disappear. Is there anything that can be done about that? Cruunde Craft
Then why don't you make a guide? You are the "master"
a mushroom What has a bed but never sleeps and a bank that holds no money, and a mouth that cannot eat?
This is a really good guide. I'll be sure to use it in my adventures into thaumcraft on Cruunde Craft :)
If you still need advice, watch this [SPOILER]
Separate names with a comma.