What does it mean
I'm guessing cheesy added Keso because it is a cheese in Japanese
ok i changed it to "Shinken (serious in japanese)" so i guess everyone is a nerd now that everyone can recognize it
that why i did serious in japanese because i wanted something more seirous and something like minecraftia or mymevah is not very creative and serious
Well I used japanese words it is serious
I hate when companies do that
oh sorry i didnt understand what you meant and im still not sure are you asking for real place or it can be a random word too if it can be random...
I said it before my idea that the server start with gen 1 only and after about a week release gen 2 and gen 3, ect the same way it can be ofc less...
i guess i will just have to win 10 time in a row
i like where this is going
So what
I disagree
But he is not that good compered to Squirtle Squirtle is better
i guess pixelmon is the only modpack that was accepted
Canada is a she
So not a lot of information on the servers ok thank I waited to 1:50 am to see this but ofc I'm still excited and can't wait for it but I...
Hey EL I'm good how are you doing
i agree that is pretty annoying counting every day but i wonder what does @Mooomsy think about this after all she is the biggest voter
Ok I'm joking because of when you talked with Gabe I think about did you annoyed him
Isn't that your job ?
Separate names with a comma.