Is this going to remain plugin-free. Personaly missng the protection plugins.
Cloud9 vs Departed. which is better AoA implementation? Trying to determine which to play.
Looking forward to a world without machines and magic.
Looking at the specs for Vanilla+ pack looks like fun. Vanilla mechanics and all the extras from modes. No Tech or Magic, but extras like...
I am playing Departed but on another server, that has plugins for base protections and such and enjoying the challenge of the difficult mobs. As...
Base is at: -550, 187. Likely it was system based, since even the petal apothecary was removed. from deep in the base, while far more valuable...
Missing all my Botania flowers and my Petal apiary. Was it a system delete or was my place looted?
Normally MYM does keep the servers live longer, but Infinity was really designed as a single player or small group to play not large server with...
This server is dead, there is not enough players wanting play the configuration now to justify it being there, often 2 or less people on, not sure...
Normally I would agree the PvP vs PvE poll had 32 in favor of PvP, not more than 8 have been on server. Been 3 or less most of the time. The...
As much as I like the departed pack, the combination or PvP and no Protection Plugins has made the plugin not enjoyable. I have found playing...
I don't like open world PvP and any game, just not sporting. I don't mind where same areas are PvP, so when you go into those areas you can...
Why is this? Played a number of departed servers with protections Factions, GriefProtect, and even Towny. seem to work fine. outside the normal...
Sounds like your saying that most people don't want to PvP.
don't thinks being on the whitelist was a requirement to vote.
May I make one request on the poll tally, can dummy accounts be filtered out. (dummy= those that don't post or signone frequently, except to pad...
I would expand that a little more, there are countless other servers that have PvE version of Departed with protections in place. I decided to...
My experience as well, both as victor and victim. A successful fight is using the environment to your advantage. The entire point of...
I am failing to understand how PvP would be practical without raiding. Your mining, fight a mob barely surviving, a player jumps you collects...
I love the mechanics of this mod pack, but really dislike PvP. Overall if +PvP i'm out.
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