[ATTACH]you sure you got the right ip?
yeahit says there is 1 person on and that 1 person is rubijox
if you hover over the player count number it says so
i dont think so casue rubijox is on
i dont know if it is just my pc but when i try to join the server it says either these 2 things: [ATTACH] Most of the time it says...
http://jenkins.ic2.player.to/job/IC2_19/37/artifact/build/libs/industrialcraft-2-2.5.37-ex19.jar thats the ic2 i dont know if it was just me but...
there is OptiFine_1.9.4_HD_U_B6 you should update
@knoxz can i be whitelisted for your 1.9 testserver?
thx will!um will i dont know what happened but when i joined the server i as at spawn but i was dead and i dont see my grave anywherenvm i found...
@knoxz can i be whitelisted for your 1.9 server?
Every time i tried to join the server i crashed, this started happening after i was in the deep dark. I was fine for like 10 minutes but then...
+1 i remember the last millennium on project ozone it as cool but you could see that things slowly started dissapering
I would like to help and join the sever
HI checked all the way down to the y coordinate and is that a no to the rollback?(sorry for the late reply)
I mean my grave should have spawned but it didn't it wasn't my fault it was a glitch.
i fell out of the world on project ozone and usually my grave spawns but when I went down to my death point my stuff wasn't there. I looked all...
i want to play this pack! it looks AMAZING!
dangit julio i was gonna say that lol
Not sure but I haven't been on again skies in a while so you can close the thread
Separate names with a comma.