after the restart the we cant connect on n2, we time out then the server restarts again, and so on ...
we got an tps of 1.56 now, so something isnt right either ...
trees in infinity sky
Its great to see al the basic packs you can buy in the shop, but im missing 1 iron block to chunkload my base early game. it would be nice to be...
infinity skyblock is the new magnet
Thank you !
Nice, so dont forget to mine up your wires before each restart
So happy you host this pack !
my bad, i used spruce instead of great wood ...
i placed all ingredients on the runic altar, i have plenty off mana but the recipy isnt starting. what did i miss?
but thx to enlighten me, this can be closed and i will start fishing :)
i dont think thats the intended way, since first you have to craft an end portal to visit the end, in sp you always have a dragon to kill.
dang its easier to just wait for end resets, but i appreciate the help !
For real ?? edit: The egg is real, but no crafting recepy
but still it hinders the completion ..
but if 100 ppl need a dragon that means we need at least 100 weeks to let them all complete it ...
Hi guys, can we have a more frequent ender dragon spawn system? we all need to kill him for a quest to get further. 1 end reset each week gives...
i play on regrowth mainly, but @Slind thx for the answer
@Slind when you are playing how many chunks are loaded around the player without any chunkloaders?
it was? didnt notice :p
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