Dj table and a nice build would be complete in my op.
I saw that you were using tapatalk last night so I went to install it but for some reason I cant sign in with google or facebook. It keeps saying...
Problem solved thanks to SirWill lol. Btw the exaggeration was on purpose to prove how I thought you were making a big deal over something this small.
Man... your making a big deal about nothing. Its like OMG GUYS mym is dead now because we have to wait 2 extra days to play on one out of a dozen...
Alright heres my opinion @Delerium76. Your making a fuss about people who use their hard earned money to support the community getting a maximum...
Alright so time is not a factor. You do mean the forum achievement like you get when you playtime rank or reach a certain amount of votes ect??
Do you mean the achievment? Have you got one for tier 1? It may just take some time.
I understand the idea is to have patreon and tiers not clash although I am wondering if there would be a bit more incentive to purchace the...
Correct me if im wrong but this sounds like a modded towny?
Hello, Sorry for the delayed responce. I am tagging a @Administrator to resolve this issue and allow you to login in spawn. Please be patient...
Congratz on Admin Aiden !
Please do not post Support Questions at this person's profile. Profile comments are to congratulate someone or for other stuff. You can ask for...
On behalf of myself as a Moderator on MineYourMind. I thank you alot, truly. We are volunteer staff members that do put alot of work into the...
Sweet, ill be on in a moment!
EnderIO: Found the following problem(s) with your installation: * An unknown AE2 API is installed (rv3 from...
Thank you, now im going to go play the beta D: xD
I am not too sure if it will cause mod conflict.
Hello atesz8916, Thanks for making this post. We are aware when any one of the server on our network crashes and admins look into is as soon as...
This is irrelevant as if it were to be reset it would reset to a world generated chunk.
Separate names with a comma.