I have been playing on the AoE node 3 and I got into age 11 but I have no idea how to obtain more than 112 chrome ingots needed for the precision...
I suggest you make a ticket about this, because tickets get faster response. On which node has this happened?
Make sure the grave is really not there. I once made ticket about lost grave and I found out it was behind the wall on skyblock island where I...
I think that aliens can exist and if you broaden the definition to any organism that normally lives somewhere else than Earth for its whole life,...
Can't the block destruction caused by withers be disabled? Are AE2 cell dims automatically chunk loaded?
I think it would be very useful to have wither spawning enabled in the overworld because it would enable players to make automatic nether star...
Another way to increase your performance is to install Optifine and allocate more RAM to minecraft (but do not go over 4 GB).
AE2 seeds have tooltip that says they won't despawn but they despawn when server restarts. I have lost a big amount of seeds this way. Would it be...
It looks like those sections are unfinished and the latin text is placeholder.
Not everyone uses msging apps like discord/skype/teamspeak for many different reasons (some don't want to install, others like me don't agree with...
Can you please link the section of wiki page so I can know what exactly do you mean?
It would certainly help with reducing amount of litter at the spawn of AoE. Some players throw away their death notes at the spawn and other...
Antiviruses often have an option to exclude certain areas from scan and to temporarily disable scanning. I am not sure about Norton, but probably...
If the command //calc would be enabled, it would allow players to solve equations without using any external applications, what would be very...
Basic Input Output System, it provides low-level system settings and connection between your OS and hardware.
You aren't right. Only times when my IC2 machines went boom were when I wanted to or when I was combining them with other mods (tekkit legends has...
I am playing on Age of Engineering node 3 and I found out that I am not allowed to use command //calc. I think it would be useful if players...
Tin can bug is missing.
Yes, I build in single chunk. My standard build is tall tower which has wall around the chunk and everything is inside.
I think this should be in subsection Other in Support Forums.
Separate names with a comma.