Pay to play for long term. If MyM were to lock people out of being able to play forever unless they payed is against Mojang's TOS and they keep a...
How can you prove you have completed the pack first ?? For all I know you can go into single player make some screenshot after you cheat all...
Yea. Slind and Willi gave their replies on the situation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No every time you kill him an egg and heart drops Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk As well as some supremium
The recipe for t3 crystals does not use a heart but a dragon egg. Also chunk loaders only work when the player who placed them down is online....
TBH this tread should of been close awhile ago and then people should of made their own complaint threads. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Therefor why I compared them to trump protestors. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One thing fair amount of people should be able to agree on Is that Patron has already been implemented with a lot of thought behind it. It will...
Ok then look at all the top top mine craft servers. All of them make you pay for a monthly subscription from $5-$10 if you can't afford a lifetime...
For all you know I could be one of those trolls from the YouTube comments. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey I am just a person who is on the forums and replys every so often. Doesn't always mean what ever I say is true. Sent from my iPhone using...
What we are dealing with are people similar to the ones who protested against trump. Can't accept the fact that stuff changed. Just like with the...
So many times is not enough too many till it gets imprinted into their mind will be enough. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's similar to buying plane tickets you pay extra to get first class and first class always has the honor of getting on the plane before...
To be fair the staff could of made a private section for Patrons on the forums and announced the release there and then released the notice for...
I better start getting busy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unless someone veinminers it xD that is if that option is in the pack Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't know can check but it really doesn't bother me. EDIT: Confirmed you can change the "Sent from Tapatalk" in the Signature settings....
I can assure you that growth crystals do work. Maybe they have been nerfed for this server or something for you is buggy do note you still have to...
On a vanilla server a plugin should be able to handle it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Separate names with a comma.