I agree i commonly type in that command also because I’m used to it on my own server. I don’t see why it could be an issue unless you guys use a...
Did this start yet? I am on crack pack right now and I don’t see the kit available and the claims have not been removed, yet I see a lot of random...
A few of my favorite mods from 1.6.4 was ICBM, tinkers, your standard suite of tech mods, thaumcraff, and witchery. I thought that version was the...
Same I’ve always been a fan of OP armor‘s in PVP as long as there is a way to defeat said armor so basically that only rules out draconic stuff....
i have never been really into quest based packs or skyblocks but would like to change that. What is a good not too crazy quest pack and a good not...
I would think dying in the void would be better than being teleported to spawn as if you die in the void due to the inactivity reset, you would...
Any update on the possibility of a server? The pack has been updated a few times now. Is railcraft still bugged and if so what bad things happen,...
Feed the Beast Revelations is a kitchen sink pack on 1.12.2 which is the latest version for modded
no we have too many skyblock packs ATM
ftb ultimate reloaded was just released. can we get a server for it as it is the latest must play pack from ftb. Overview - Project Ultimate:...
i am also having the same issues on revelations.
The twilight forest requirement for starting thaumcraft however could be an issue as this pack is 1.7.10 and we normally disable the forest on...
flux points and plugs work with machines however wireless charging of inventory does not work. also created networks get lost upon server restart....
Go to tech mods are ae2, draconic evoloution, thermal expansion, enderIO,extra utilities, openblocks, extreme reactors/big reactors, solarflux,...
i love mekanism ever seince i first saw etho use it in the crackpack 1.6.4 mindcrack pvp server. i wish more modpacks would use it. the only packs...
i am having issues with the flux networks power system on revelation 1.12.2. i have 4 draconic evolution coal generators feeding into a basic...
use the thaumic tinkerer kami awakened ichorium pickaxe to break the bedrock and ender io staff of travelling to warp inside.
don’t you mean /give dailypeanut sledgehammer 1
I highly doubt they would do a hard reset of revelations this soon. it was just re-set with the big 2.0 update and also two more times after that...
on most servers that have the aroma mining dimension the dimension is disabled or the portal is disabled if the dimension cannot be disabled due...
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