Github is how they wanted people to suggest changes to the server. Go here --> GitHub - MineYourMind/ArkServer and make a pull request and edit...
Had a look at the github thing.... don't know if i did it right, but gave it a shot for some basic settings.... basically speed up night time,...
Wasnt the new years ball just for official servers? Still havent seen a kangaroo....I wanna see a kangaroo! lol :)
I personally would love to try out the "metal with glass set" looks amazing! would probably need access to more engram points to unlock it all...
Are all the rates the same as they were on the old map?
So is MYM working on getting the server back up? are we doing a reset with new map and some mods thrown in?
Any chance for an update to V220.1?
Any chance we can get an update to V217? :)
There is this post from Jadecat where she said it isn't obtainable yet. Final Requirements for Stable - Agrarian Skies 2 - Jaded's Packs -...
No problem! hope you enjoy playing on the server
Try Adding the server manually through steam, in your personal server list? (right click the steam icon in your taskbar and click servers) then...
The player base is growing on the server. New people coming - which is nice! :)
congratulations to the winners! amazing building people! :)
Thanks for the tip Dizzy, hopefully that will work, tho when I'm out and about I normally just have 1 dino with me. Maybe i just need to be more...
I would like to see the leveling made easier. It is the most grind part in my perspective. I personally don't think the harvest rate is that bad?...
Are all the settings default for harvesting/taming etc?
Seems like a good idea to me too. Could make for smoother party playing :)
Just curious, what would the advantage of having /tpahere be when you can just get the other player to send you a /tpa request?
I believe the maximum 1 player can load is 10 chunks. Placing loaders which load more than this will not work. Done - Chicken Chunks Chunk...
The Questbooks on Regrowth are bugged out again with no one being able to open them. Thanks. :) Curious if this has anything to do with it?...
Separate names with a comma.