1 / 1 = 1
i couldnt use the mymlauncher for pixelmon as i had javacrashes every time i loaded up the pack so i use the pixelmonlauncher
this is no "issue" its designed to teleport you to your last healer that happens to be at your home
can /enderchest be added as its a well used command from t2+ donator
players also can join the "other games" channel without needing to verify
how can u say that your 1st line... i have found 2 shopping areas admin claimed so players cannot use
if u decide to live in it then its your own fault for being greifed if you live in a place with container access it would be the "players" fault...
lets go over this in points 1. towers the masterlootbox is a 1time claim item once its claimed thats it claimed regardless to it being player...
on the 1.7.10 pack you wont find a complete pokemon center other than the 1 i claimed with full public container access for its protection so i...
there has been alot of us from pixelmon on ts recently.. is there any chance pixelmon can have a offical channel
bronze pickaxe
alphabet spaghetti!
Pixelmon 1.10.2 Launch Countdown Clock | Counting Down To for a estimated time <thanks to @EndorianHD> for the http
gross soup
mad science
Separate names with a comma.