when i played project ozone i got a chance cube as my 1st quest like everyone else does it did the /nuke on me destroyed my entire island
i only stopped playing mym pixelmon due to its version being so behind
Pixelmon(update) | MineYourMind Community
i had to add more ram to my launcher before it would actually make a worldi have spoken to the modpack creator who is now aware of this issue...
yea reika's mods are great but i wonder if any work has been done to the fission reactor as it used to have a tendency of corrupting worlds on the...
so then voting is complete what does the mym team say to the poll will they accept this pack as a mym server
voting finishes tomorrow 29 for a yes is pretty good
2 days till voting time is finished had hoped to get more votes than has gotten so far tho
ftb 3rd person pack code: RhoninsRottingCorpse some reason while trying to install the pack the 1st try it has given out a error to a few people...
i know but comments are nolonger becoming valid while talking about this modpack@Slind worked fine for me when i loaded the pack up
@SirStudMuffin this is prob the 3rd negitive comment that doesnt aid in support or deny support from the pack
im pretty sure the tag looks fine but im sure he will get a notification because of his post xD
@Slind has garden of glass mode in world options while making turns into skyblocks world dont forget tho Void monster needs disabled to do that...
need more votes guys this is a great pack
not many votes total but only 1 on no :) even as a normal "overworld" server still would be a epic pack to play on it kind of reminds me of...
iv managed a few times to make it with a normal overworld but i havnt managed to get it working for skyblocks
"Balanced around skyblock play, this pack also works well for survival island or even normal worlds."
it can be played as a skyblocks but ovs if u add overworld it overrules that option
i thought about it but then if everyone voted potato then no1 would of voted yes xD"For Skyblock play it's generally recommended to disable Void...
as a skyblock world this would be a fantastic addition to mym it has so many poplar mods everyone loves mod list: [SPOILER] and as a 1.7.10 pack...
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