These exploits are not any low-level glitches that you just happen upon; They required conscious effort to execute. Pressing some random keys...
JAWA, or JAWA Moto, is indeed the name of a company that manufactures motorcycles and mopeds, founded in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1929. This...
To explain the issue in full: One of Thaumcraft's addons reworked the Golem system, adding new functionalities. This made it neccessary to upgrade...
The stream is available on my twitch-channel for another ~13 days. The first ~45m is a bit bad though, as mentioned :bag:
I've gotten compartmentalisation down to an art-form. Probably gonna make a montage of every time I called the Alien "Kitty" and asked him to jump...
The stream might get a bit delayed due to last-minute IRL stuff that popped up, but shouldn't be more than 30m! Stream will start at the original...
So, it's my birthday today (Sept. 4th) (or 'tomorrow' for you across the great pond) and after some banter with @Sicodik_luk I got the idea to...
Updated Cachet to 1.0.4 (with the next restart) Fixes some Unix translation errors with the previously hardcoded formatting used for chat...
Re-enabled The End in the MyM-portal To stay in line with progression, the price to unlock is 16x Obsidian, 10x End Stone, 1x End Rod & 1x Evil tear
Sooo. After months of almost daily bluescreens, and almost every game i play crashing within 30 minuts, I finally had enough and tracked down the...
You've made this thread in the Direwolf20 for minecraft 1.10 section, which does not have Thaumcraft last I checked. If you're playing Direwolf20...
I take it that this is Infinity we are talking about? Cantiel is correct, we do not modify modpacks bar to increase performance. We have not...
OreStages (The GameStage addon that stages in-world blocks) only "hide" blocks client-side, by telling the client to render block X as block Y....
Disabled RecurrentComplex due to TPS issues. Not needed anymore as worlds that should have structures are already generated.
I had a similar issue on Revelations. In the graphics settings (with optifine installed) search for "animated terrain" or something along those...
MyM will never be the same without you Booker. Too many things staying still where you put them. Have fun at the boot-camp Booker, or at least...
Don't think that's gonna happen. When Sandstroem and I were testing out the pack, we crafted things once then spawned it in if we needed more. We...
Perhaps I wanted to build a Parthenon out of marble in my own honour?
Well, see it on the bright side. @pizzaluc is going to be away camping over the weekend, so he'll be missing the whole weekend & most of monday,...
The Torment dimension not having a boss is a well-known issue, that we cannot fix. In multiplayer, the boss will only spawn for the first player...
Separate names with a comma.