I didn't know tech reborn reactors could use thorium I infact have never used tech reborn reactors
@BookerTheGeek I have to correct you on thorium being a by product of uranium.... It's not and it's a worse nuclear fuel the uranium is......
I like the idea behind a taxable safe zone with delivery of ore and or high value items
I answer your questions in detail later but yes what your laying out sounds great
Yes il come play on that...
We need a ubber boss a player whit loads of hp and takes nearly no dmg :) just for the lolz :)
A røde mic is a high quality one I can recommend the brand I Have one my self on a arm and it's great
Use music from ncs or monstercat so the copyright system won't beat you up to much
If you start in the void you will have to reach the second stage of the pack before your able to go to farmworld..
Dragontamer I don't want my eyes burned out again that mod pack is utter chaoa But sure il get on if it gets on Mym
Sinces your starting out Keep your intro simple for your own sake.. Stick to one for now Do what you want in minecraft/other games That's my...
Is it just me but you can double your rocket fuel whit nitrogen trioxide insted of oxygen. I think but iam not 100% sure I can double cheak when I...
i have forgotten as well
good idea
I like your idea dragon and the price shud be a Large Kit price
i agree to what Phish is saying its what we need and make it a LARGE one :)
Only omni factory is peeking a minor interest if you want a new pack so darn bad insted of waiting to see what's currently in the pipe now why not...
Well it could be a red text in chat and whit some incentive added like a right answer you get 10 or more tokens... Tho said random quiz would...
I don't agree gs was designed to be a hard grind there for you will need to automate early its very easy to get what you need Iam for no trade...
You can convert your vote tokens to myms or claim blocks
Separate names with a comma.